
The Countdown is On!

Where has the time gone??

Today is officially 37 weeks on the dot, and now we’re just playing the waiting game. We had another doctor’s appointment on Monday…the one I’d been waiting for! The first thing we did was an ultrasound. Brooklyn was measuring about 6 lbs 13 oz from their estimate, but that can be about a pound off either way. From that weight, my doctor thinks she will be about 8 lbs at 39 weeks, 8.5 lbs at 40 weeks, and 9 lbs at 41 weeks. Can’t say I’m surprised at all since I was a big baby too, but I do hope she’s not much over 9 lbs for my sake :) The funny thing is that Brooklyn was already bigger at 36.5 weeks than Travis was when he was BORN! Guess we know who she takes after :)

We also found out from the ultrasound that she is head down, which is good! Speaking of her head, it’s a whopper! (She got that from me too. Just ask my mom…).  It measured in the 90th percentile, according to the ultrasound tech. Yikes! I’m hoping that maybe the measurement was a little generous, but we’ll see…

When the doctor checked me, she said Brooklyn’s head is still high, but she thought I was about 1 cm dilated. She said at this point, if Brooklyn wanted to come anytime, that would be fine. Wow! We go back to the doctor every week now, so our next appointment is Monday. Guess we’ll see if I’ve made any progress then!

37 weeks!

I do hope that she decides to stay put at least until after this weekend. Friday night, we are going to the Vestavia singing, and on Saturday, Mom has a small baby shower planned for me at a restaurant in Trussville. The plan is that we’ll stay in Trussville though Sunday afternoon, so hopefully we won’t have to cut the trip short!

Last weekend, we got some pictures hung in our bedroom and cleaned out the guest bedroom closet, so really, at this point there’s not much to do other than wait. I’m even caught up on writing thank you notes! :) Yesterday, I walked about 2 miles around our neighborhood, and I’m planning to do the same thing today. I figure the more walking I do, the better. Definitely no jogging though! I might make it down to the end of our street, but then I’d have to collapse :)

Oh, I did think of another idea to add to my “big belly” list from a few weeks ago. You know you have a REALLY big belly when…you start getting comments from people feeling sorry for the torture you must be going through carrying that extra load around. Seriously, I must look pretty uncomfortable because several people have said things like, “Oh, you poor thing. How much longer do you have?” I guess I must look worse than I feel because I really don’t feel that uncomfortable yet. (Knock on wood). Maybe I’ll change my tune by next week or the week after. I’ve also loved the comments recently about how my face is starting to get that puffy pregnant look. Really? I look at my face every day in the mirror, so I think I would know if I’m looking swollen. And even my husband, who (I’ve learned over the past 5 years) doesn’t sugarcoat the truth, thinks my face looks the same. But, thanks for your kind opinion anyway. When people say things like that, my response is, “Oh really?” and I laugh and then don’t let it bother me.  I’ve learned a lot about what NOT to say to a pregnant woman, that’s for sure! :)

I have to brag on Travis for a few minutes. He has been awesome during this whole pregnancy. He’s made it to every doctor’s appointment with me so far and been interested in what’s going on. He’s put up with my crazy nursery decorating extravaganza and helped do a lot of the work. He’s been helpful around the house and offered to help with supper and cleaning. He brings me things when I’m sitting on the couch and don’t feel like getting up. I’m very blessed! It’s going to be interesting to see how he does when it’s time to go to the hospital. Will he go into organized engineer mode? Will there be spreadsheets involved? Only time will tell, but I think it’s safe to say that he’s going to do great there just like he has the last several months. I’m lucky to have him!

Speaking of expectant dads, I ran across this post on an OB nurse’s blog this morning and thought it was hilarious…here’s to you, Dad! :)

Well, tomorrow is the first day of February…the month of Brooklyn’s due date! She’s almost here!!

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

One reply on “The Countdown is On!”

Erin, I love how positive you have been from the beginning of your pregnancy to the almost end. Travis is a blessing and you and he will be fabulous parents. Much love and can’t wait until we get a call or e-mail telling us she’s here!

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