
Brooklyn: 7 Months Old

Wow, 7 months! This has been a good but challenging month. Whether it’s been teething or something else bothering her, Brooklyn hasn’t always been the happiest camper lately. In between the times of fussing, though, we’ve still managed to have plenty of fun.


This month, I measured Brooklyn at about 18 lbs (75th percentile) and 27 inches (75th percentile). Perfectly proportioned! :) She has tried lots of new foods this month: banana, green peas, sweet potatoes, zucchini, carrots, pears, peaches, and mango. The only one she really didn’t care for was zucchini, although she will eat it if it’s disguised in something else :) Her favorite foods so far are banana, sweet potatoes, and mango. Yum! (Those are some of my favorites too.). She usually eats 2 to 2 1/2 oz of purees twice a day, although the other night she ate 4 oz of sweet potatoes in one sitting. Wow! She is also nursing about 4-5 times a day. She still drinks from a bottle well on the days I work.

_DSC3092Despite the increase in fussiness during the day, Brooklyn is still sleeping well at night (so thankful!). We’ve had a night or two where she cried when we put her in her crib for the night, but those have been rare. She generally sleeps from about 8:45 or 9 PM to anywhere from 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM. She takes about 3 naps a day–late morning, early afternoon, and late afternoon. Her naps usually last anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours. She’s still a total thumb sucker when it’s time to go to sleep!


I just keep thinking that B’s first tooth is right around the corner. I can’t really see or feel a tooth yet, but that would explain some of the random crying fits, that’s for sure. Some days have just been rough! She’ll be inconsolable, and I can’t figure out what the problem is (other than maybe teething.). She doesn’t want to be left on the floor to play, but holding her sometimes doesn’t help either. Luckily, it hasn’t been like that every day…it’s very random. Who knows what the problem is, but I’m hoping it’s just a phase!


Brooklyn’s favorite activity right now is GRABBING everything she can get her hands on. Hair, earrings, toys, placemats, the food we’re eating, etc. She wants to check everything out, and most importantly, to put it in her mouth! She continues to get better at picking up  objects, even more difficult ones like toys balls.

_DSC3170Brooklyn is still in love with Felix and Gabby too. She can’t get enough of them! She loves to watch them walk by and is just mesmerized the whole time. Whenever they are around, Mommy and Daddy are second fiddle.

7 month collage

Brooklyn is getting more mobile every day. As you can see from the pictures above, she can almost get into a crawling position, but she hasn’t quite mastered it yet. Right now, her preferred method of getting around is either rolling or scooting. This isn’t your normal scooting, however; I’ve nicknamed it her “Boot Scootin’ Boogie”. Basically, she waves her arms up and down and rocks back and forth to “scoot” around on her “boot-y”. You’d be amazed how far she can scoot around while sitting up! Last weekend, she scooted from the living room onto the kitchen floor and over to the cat food bowl. If we hadn’t caught her, I’m pretty sure she would’ve been trying to eat it! Whoops :) Guess it’s really time to start baby-proofing!


Brooklyn still loves being around people and is usually pretty social. She loves to talk and make noise. Babbling, squealing, grunting–she does it all! If Brooklyn’s in the room, you’ll hear her before you see her. This translates into almost never making it through a church service without having to take her out to the nursery. I guess she’ll eventually understand the concept of being quiet, but for now she’s content to be as loud as possible wherever we go :)


Bless you! :)

Things that make Brooklyn happy: sucking her thumb, watching the kitties, jumping in her doorway jumper, bouncing on someone’s knee, scooting around, grabbing anything she can get her hands on, eating sweet potatoes, and getting attention.

_DSC3110Things that make Brooklyn unhappy: not being able to grab something that she wants to get, getting her face wiped after eating in her high chair, and being put in her crib for a nap when she’s not ready for one.

_DSC3122Brooklyn is wearing size 3 diapers now (they are fitting much better!), and she wears anywhere from 6 month to 12 month clothes. It seems like 9 month stuff is fitting the best right now. I’m ready for Kids Market to hurry up and get here so I can buy her some bigger sized clothes! :)


We love you, Brooklyn! You just get cuter and more fun every day! :)

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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