Well, Savannah officially has an eviction date: Tuesday, May 5th. I have a c-section scheduled for that day if she doesn’t decide to come on her own first. I’m really, really hoping that something happens before then. I will be a day shy of 41 weeks on that date, so surely she’ll be ready by then, right? :) Anyway, I would appreciate your prayers that I would be able to go into labor on my own before May 5th and have a safe vaginal delivery. My doctor is not in favor of an induction, so it’s either spontaneous labor or c-section. We will see what happens…
38 weeks along
It’s pretty surreal to think about Brooklyn being born at 38+6. Of course, I was induced for that labor, but if Savannah were to come at 38+6, that would be next Tuesday…just a few days from now! I’m feeling a little more prepared for her to be born than I did last week though. My hospital bag is partially packed (as much as I can pack for now), the nursery closet is all painted and ready for stuff to be put back in it tomorrow (thank you, Travis!), the dresser is finished, and things are ready to be hung on the walls in both of the girls’ rooms. I’m hoping we can hang some stuff tomorrow afternoon! So, we are getting there. I have wild hopes to thoroughly clean the house, reorganize the pantry, and clean out the fridge/freezer before Savannah comes, but that may not happen :) Apparently, my version of “nesting” is having a long list of to-do’s, but never feeling energetic enough to get around to them…haha :)
I think Savannah’s dresser turned out really cute! Thank you, Cheryl, Britni, and Travis for helping with it!
Dear Gabby, if only you knew what this packed suitcase was for, you might not be so eager to sleep in it all day. P.S. I don’t think they allow cats in labor and delivery ;)
Maybe my version of nesting is making hair bow holders?? I made this one yesterday for Savannah’s room…now we just have to wait and see if she has any hair!!
And I made one for Big Sister, too!
Speaking of Big Sister, we’ve been trying to have fun and stay busy this week despite all of the rainy weather (or “wedder”, as Brooklyn calls it). She’s learned about “thunder” and “storms” this week, and for the past few days, she has been “looking for thunder”. She loves to ask, “Where thunder is?” I’ve tried to explain that you can’t see it, but I’m not sure she really gets it ;)
We’ve managed to go on a few walks this week when there was a break in the rain. As long as she has a snack and Sippy, she’s usually good to go! It’s an added bonus if we see any trucks or school buses along the way…those are always a hit! :)
We also played outside one morning this week when it wasn’t too wet. Brooklyn doesn’t really grasp the concept that it’s difficult for me to get up off the ground these days, so I’m still getting down there and drawing Nemo, Dorie, and Marlin with chalk on the patio ;) It’s not a pretty sight to watch me try to stand up though!
This was her attempt at drawing “Nemo”…I was actually very impressed! Normally, she only draws random straight lines…
She still loves that slide even though I’m sure she’d love a bigger one. We haven’t gotten around to buying a new swing set yet, but she doesn’t know the difference at this point :)
This girl loves to run and march!
Brooklyn got some “paint with water” coloring books for Christmas from Paw and Rae Rae, and she is just now really getting into them. Apparently, I loved doing this when I was about her age, but the books are really hard to find these days. I think Mom had to order the ones she found online.
Popsicles were on sale on Publix this week, so Brooklyn has enjoyed a “special treat” after lunch several days recently…
Other Brooklyn notables:
The other night while tucking Brooklyn in bed, I was rubbing her arm, and we had this conversation: B: I sorry. I so sorry. Me: Why are you sorry? B: I touch buttons. Don’t touch them. (She had touched the buttons on the receiver earlier in the day, and I’d gotten onto her for it). Me: That’s okay. You won’t do it again tomorrow. I love you, Brooklyn. B: Love you, Mommy.
- Brooklyn has started asking, “Pray, Mommy?” when I tuck her in at night, so I’m trying to make that a new part of the bedtime routine (in addition to the milk, toothbrushing, Bible story, and “tickle Daddy” that we do every night). “Tickle Daddy” = Daddy chasing Brooklyn in circles around the living room and tickling her. I really need to get a video of it…she looks forward to it every night :)
- Her favorite question lately is: “Wuzzzzattttt?” Translation: “What’s that?” She wants to know what EVERYTHING is. I guess this is the precursor to the “Why?” question that I hear gets so old after a while ;) So, when we identify an object for her, she loves to repeat the word back to us. I feel like she speaks really clearly for a 2-year-old, and the number of words she knows is really incredible. We are all the time cracking up at some of the things she says!
- I’m still not sure how much she really understands the concept of getting a little sister soon, but she definitely knows where “Vannah” is. She has tried several times (while we are out in public) to pull up my shirt while saying “Open Vannah?” I keep telling her that it’s not time to “open her” yet, but maybe in a few more weeks ;)
- We took her to DSW and Joseph A. Bank this afternoon for Travis to buy some new dress shoes and try his suit on for Nate’s wedding, and we didn’t take the stroller in. She was let loose in both stores, and I was really proud of how well she did! She never ran off, and she didn’t get into things either. I’ve always been nervous to take her into a store “unrestrained”, but maybe I don’t give her enough credit for how well she minds sometimes :)
- We decided to get rid of cable (gasp!), and we are trying something new called Sling TV. We’ve had it for a couple of weeks, and we’ve been pretty happy with it so far. I’m most happy with the fact that we’re only paying $50/month for TV AND internet, so I think we will be saving about $600/year. Score! Anyway, one downside to Sling TV is that we can’t record Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Doc McStuffins anymore…we just have to catch them when they come on. So, Brooklyn thinks the TV is “broken” when I tell her that we can’t watch Mickey whenever she wants to…haha. We bought a Roku 3 though, and it has a PBS Kids app, so we’ve been trying out some new shows like Thomas and Daniel Tiger, and she likes both of those :) Now, I just need to figure out how to get her interested in a movie that isn’t called Finding Nemo…
I guess that’s about it! My brain shuts down after about 9 PM these days, so it’s definitely past time to call it a night :) Hope you have a great weekend!
One reply on “The Countdown is On!”
Such sweet pictures of Brooklyn!! Those are what get me through the workday (on my digital photo frame).