Well, we survived month #2!! I would say that overall this month was harder than last, but it’s gotten much better over the past week and a half. Lately, Savannah seems to be a different baby (which is a good thing!), and we are very thankful for the progress she’s made.
At 2 months old, Savannah weighs 12 lbs even (75th percentile) and is 24.5 inches long (98th percentile). I could tell she was super long, and I was right! She weighs the exact same as Brooklyn at 2 months, but she’s a full inch longer than B was at the time. Savannah is long and lean like her daddy I guess! Nursing continues to go really well overall. Part of it is probably that my supply has been much more manageable than it was with Brooklyn, but Savannah still rarely gets frustrated even when she can’t latch on at first or she gets choked and swallows air. I am very thankful that she is doing so well! She doesn’t have the same quiet, perfect conditions that Brooklyn had either. Usually, there is some sort of chaos caused by Big Sis going on in the room at the same time, but it doesn’t seem to bother her luckily. I guess that’s all she’s known since birth! Savannah likes to eat about every 2.5 to 3 hours during the day. She is definitely stretching out her feedings at night! Usually for her first stretch, she will go about 5-6 hours without eating, and about 3 hours after that. She has even gone almost 7 hours once or twice! I feel like she will be sleeping through the night before too long. At least, I’m hoping so!
Savannah has made huge strides in her sleeping this month! She has been officially sleeping in her crib at night for about the past week and a half. What a difference that has made! I feel like she sleeps better in her crib than she did in our bed. I think we must have been waking her up when we moved around because she seems to sleep for longer at a time in her own bed. The first night in her crib was a little rough; we kind of went cold turkey on her after I got fed up with the way things were going, so she went from sleeping right next to us to being alone in her bed. Hopefully that doesn’t make us mean parents! :) But, it is working out better for all of us, and Mommy and Daddy are sleeping much better now too. She is usually awake when we lay her down in her bed, and some nights she’ll go off to sleep without too much of a fuss. Other nights she will cry for a while, but usually not longer than about 15 minutes or so.
Savannah has been a lot more resistant to napping in her crib during the day than sleeping in it at night, but we are continuing to work on that. She takes her best naps in the Boba or while she’s being held, but she will take little cat naps in her crib too (usually about 30-45 minutes at a time). Occasionally, she will nap longer than that in her crib, but it’s pretty rare. But, that’s definitely an improvement over how it used to be! We ordered a sound machine on Amazon a few weeks ago, and I think that helps her sleep better in her room. It blocks out MOST of the noise that Big Sister makes, which is very helpful :)
Savannah actually gave us her first “social smile” on the day she turned 1 month old, but it took a couple more weeks for her to really start smiling a lot more. Now, it is pretty easy to get a smile from her when you make eye contact with her, especially if she has just eaten! I have even gotten smiles from her late in the afternoon and evening, which is pretty ironic since that’s usually the “fussy” time of day for most little ones.
Savannah has also started cooing in the past week or two. I love it! If you make eye contact with her, she loves to talk to you. My favorite time is talking and smiling with her right after she nurses while we are sitting in the glider. Those are such sweet sounds! I’m looking forward to hearing some giggles from her in the next couple of months too :)
Savannah has seemed to be much more content while she’s awake over the past couple of weeks. I have taken her to the chiropractor several times after a lot of people recommended it, and it’s either helping, or it’s just a coincidence. Who knows! But, she is crying a lot less during the day, except when she’s tired or hungry of course. We can actually put her in her bouncer or on her activity mat for a little while at a time, and she’s usually okay with it. Some days are better than others, but she’s made huge strides overall. She still doesn’t like the swing, which is unfortunate because it would be so nice to let her nap in it, but oh well. We’ll take what we can get!
I think part of the reason that she has seemed happier overall is because her reflux problem seems to have improved. She still spits up from time to time, but she doesn’t seem to mind lying flat as much as she used to. We still have her crib elevated on one side, but maybe we can lower it flat over the next few weeks. She will still have an occasional choking episode (the most recent one was 3 or 4 days ago), but she has definitely improved. We ran out of her Zantac prescription (and it was too soon to get it refilled), but after she didn’t take it for several days I couldn’t tell any difference! I’m not sure it was doing anything for her one way or another.
As far as her development, we are trying to do a little “tummy time” every day, but some days Mommy forgets :) Sometimes she doesn’t mind doing it, and other times she cries the whole time. It’s hard work holding that head up! Her neck muscles are definitely getting stronger though. She loves to stand up in my lap when I burp her by pushing down with her feet. Her little legs are pretty strong! She is also becoming a lot more aware of what’s around her. I have seen her staring at the little animals on her bouncer seat, and she will sometimes watch the ceiling fan spin too.
I’ve noticed that her hair has gotten a little thicker over the last week or so. She still doesn’t have much on top, but it’s getting a little fuller everywhere else. She also has a couple of really long hairs (like over an inch long!) in there too. Weird! Her eyes are still dark blue and very pretty! She is currently wearing size 1 diapers still, but I think we are going to need to move up to size 2s soon. She’s had several blowouts in the past couple of days! She is wearing mostly 0-3 month and 3 month size clothes. They have plenty of room everywhere but the length. I don’t think the onesies will button at the bottom if she gets much longer!
Likes: being held and getting attention, being worn in the Boba, lying on the changing table, her activity mat (sometimes), taking baths, chewing on her hands, and kicking her feet
Dislikes: getting dressed/undressed, being buckled into the car seat (she has stopped crying while riding in the car for the most part – yay!), swinging in her swing, and napping in her crib
Savannah, you are growing and changing every day! We are thankful that you seem to be feeling much better than you were last month. We can’t wait to see what new things you are up to in month #3!! :)