Today marks 38 weeks along, and I think Brooklyn is perfectly content where she is. I could be wrong, but I’m thinking that she’s not going to make her debut anytime in the next few days.
We had our last appointment on Monday, and it was just as I expected. No change from last week. My cervix is still high; so high, in fact, that the doctor can’t tell if I’m dilated at all or not. I thought she’d told us last week that I was 1 cm dilated, but I may have misunderstood her. Anyway, the point is that unless something changes rapidly, I think she’s going to be sticking around with me for a couple more weeks. The funny thing is that almost everyone who looks at me says, “There’s no way you’re going to make it until your due date!!” Guess I may be proving them all wrong :) I still feel good, so it’s not like I’m miserably counting down the days. If she doesn’t want to make her appearance yet, we’ll just be patient and wait!

I guess I might as well tell the story of our exciting night a week ago. Last Thursday night/Friday morning around 2 AM, I woke up suddenly because I thought my water had broken. It wasn’t a huge gush (probably TMI!), but it was at least substantial enough to wake me up. I wasn’t sure what to do; I didn’t really think that’s what it was, but I also didn’t want to ignore it if it was that. I woke Travis up, and he thought we should go up to the hospital to check it out just in case. I didn’t want to be one of those patients who comes in for a false alarm, but I also knew I’d worry about it all weekend if I wasn’t sure (and we were supposed to be going out of town on top of that!). Finally, he convinced me that I should go get checked out, so we started throwing all of the last minute stuff in our hospital bag. Apparently, I needed this trial run BADLY because I was so panicky thinking that this might really be it that I couldn’t even think of what to put in the bag! The bad thing is that all I had to do was read the list! :) Hopefully, I’ll do better when the real thing rolls around.
Well, we got to the hospital around 4:30 AM, stayed there for about 2 hours, and the end result was that it WAS a false alarm after all. Better safe than sorry though, so I’m glad we made sure by going up there. The main thing I felt bad about was that when we got home around 6:45 AM, Travis had to change clothes and go straight to work. Poor him! I guess he’ll be going to work on little sleep in a few weeks anyway, so maybe it was good practice. I tried to make up for it by driving to Birmingham that afternoon so he could take a nap. He’s pretty good at sleeping in the car because he slept for almost 1 1/2 hours straight without waking up!
We went to the Vestavia singing Friday night, and then Saturday morning I had a small baby shower that my mom planned for me. It was at a local restaurant in Trussville, and we had a great time. Brooklyn got a lot of REALLY cute clothes, and several things were monogrammed, which I was really excited about. Everyone was so generous! Mom also had everyone at the shower write down their predictions about Brooklyn: what day and time she’ll be born, her weight, height, head circumference, hair color, who she’ll favor, etc. It was hilarious to hear some of the responses! I’m hoping this one will be wrong, or we’ll be setting some records: someone guessed that her head circumference will be 30 inches!!! Whew!!! Considering that the average is around 13-14 inches, I hope her head isn’t double the normal size! :) Another person guessed that she’ll be 29 inches long…haha! I’m sure that would set a record also. I can’t wait to see whose predictions are the most accurate! Thanks, Mom, for planning such a wonderful shower!!!

It was a great weekend! That was probably the last time we’ll be in Trussville before Brooklyn comes. Next time, it will be a lot different I’m sure!
Our next appointment is Monday…we’ll see if I’ve made any progress. I’ll keep you posted!
One reply on “No Big Hurry”
False alarm or just practice drill. No worries. Have that bag packed, sweet girl and your Brooklyn is going to be one well dressed little doll baby. XXOOO