Well, I doubt this is news to many of you since word travels fast these days, but…
Baby Grant #2 is on his or her way!!!
My due date is April 29th, 2015! We are really excited (and a little nervous too!). Actually, I think I’m possibly more nervous this time around. Last time I was nervous, but didn’t really know what to expect. THIS time, I know what to expect, and I’m worried about how it will go with a newborn and a 2 year old tornado named Brooklyn :) I hope we will survive!
Brooklyn looks pretty excited about being a big sister in a few months, doesn’t she? :) Truthfully, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have a clue what’s going on. We have started telling her that there is a baby in my tummy, and she will point to it and say “bebe!” but that’s about it. It will be an interesting adjustment for her, I’m sure.
So far, I’ve been feeling pretty good! I will be 11 weeks on Wednesday, so just a couple more weeks until the 2nd trimester begins. Mostly, I’ve just been tired, and this time around it’s been harder because I can’t just take a nap whenever I want to, and Brooklyn acts as an early alarm clock most mornings (she rarely sleeps past 6:45 or 7 AM…waahhh!). Other than that, there was one week around 7 weeks where no food really sounded very appetizing. I wouldn’t really call it nausea, but just kind of a blah feeling. I’m pretty sure that happened last time with Brooklyn too. Luckily, that only lasted a few days. Sadly, my “outie” belly button that I got with Brooklyn never fully went away (it actually caused an umbilical hernia that I’ll have to have surgery for after we are done having kids), so you can already see my belly button poking out under my shirt. Boo! If that’s all I have to “complain” about though, I think we’re doing pretty good :)
So, things are going well! We had a little scare with some bloodwork a couple of weeks ago (anyone heard of the Kell antigen??), but I’m hoping that will turn out to be nothing. We’ll know more when we go to the high risk doctor in a few weeks on the 21st.
As far as how we told everyone this time around, I took a pregnancy test on August 18th, and wrote Travis a card to give him that evening. I had Brooklyn “deliver” it to him when he got home from work:
I think he pretty much knew what the card was for when he opened it, but he was still excited!
As far as telling our families, we decided to wait until after my 8 week appointment on September 11th, and then we ended up waiting a couple of more weeks until Emily came home for Alisha’s baby shower. So, last Sunday Travis’s family came over to our house for lunch, and I changed Brooklyn into her “big sister” shirt and didn’t say anything about it. I think it took everyone by surprise because after they noticed the shirt, Travis had to say “She’s wearing that shirt for a reason!”…haha. It was funny to see everyone’s reaction :)
My parents were planning to come up to our house on Thursday night to spend the night and babysit Brooklyn on Friday while I went to work, so we were planning to tell them that night. Unfortunately, we had to resort to “Plan B” when Dadaw got taken to the hospital and they didn’t end up coming up here. (Travis took off work on Friday). We were planning to print an “eviction notice” and hang it on the door of our guest bedroom, which is pretty much “Mom’s room” because she stays there once every other week. So, Plan B turned into emailing it to Mom (and Dad and Jenn) and telling her that Brooklyn had found this piece of paper hanging on the door of her room, and since it “looked important”, we thought we better go ahead and send it to her ;) After we sent the email, we waited for the phone calls to begin! I think Dad and Jenn were surprised, but Mom apparently had been suspicious for a few weeks and hadn’t said anything. I guess my baby bump is more obvious than I realized :) They were all excited too though! This is basically what the “notice” said:
NOTICE TO: Rachel Cushing, TENANT in possession and all others:
- Pursuant to a verbal lease (the “Lease”) begun in 2013, you are a tenant for the premises described as: Guest Bedroom at 1__ A_________ Lane (the “Premises”), of which you now hold possession.
- A new tenant will begin occupying this property on or around April 29th, 2015.
- Due to the above mentioned reason, the Landlord hereby elects to terminate this Lease.
- You are given at least 30 weeks notice to quit the Premises in compliance with the applicable laws for the State of Alabama. Accordingly, the Tenant must vacate and surrender the Premises to the Landlord by 12 noon on April 28th, 2015.
Issued on: 2nd day of October, 2014
______________________________ _____________________________
Landlord’s Name: Travis Grant Tenant’s Name: Rachel Cushing
Co-Landlord’s Name: Erin Grant
Doesn’t that look official?? Haha! I pretty much copied it from something I found online, and I thought it turned out great. I think Mom liked it! So, yes, her guest bedroom will become a nursery by next spring. We are quickly running out of space in our house! :)
Then, we told the rest of our family and friends on Saturday and Sunday, and now it’s public news I guess. I had so many people at church yesterday tell me that they were already suspicious, so I guess maybe we should have spilled the beans a few weeks ago if we really wanted to surprise everyone! Oh well :) If this baby really does come around the end of April, it will be interesting timing with Emily graduating from college a week or two later, and Travis being in a wedding in mid-May. Hopefully it will all work out just fine! :)
Since my bump is apparently already obvious, I guess we’ll need to start with the weekly pictures before long! I’ll try to update about once a week, but I can’t make any promises since a certain 20 month old is always competing for my attention :)
Thanks for reading!
4 replies on “Here We Go Again!”
Loved the eviction notice!!!!! Congratulations and lots of love!
Thank you Aunt Gale! Looking forward to seeing you and Uncle Bill in a few weeks!! :)
Congratulations! We’re hoping to be able to share such news before long as well. Y’all are going to have so much fun with them being so close!
Thanks Stephanie!! Hope y’all are doing well these days! :)