Since we’re getting down the last few weeks here (eek!), I’d like to share some of what I’ve learned about being pregnant. There are some real gems here…haha :) You know you have a BIG belly when… …you find yourself in the closet looking through your husband’s t-shirts when trying to decide what to wear. …rolling over […]
Category: pregnancy
Sneak Peek: Brooklyn’s Nursery
Big news…the nursery is actually looking like a nursery this week. Hooray!! We made some big progress over the weekend and the New Year’s holiday, and it is looking great so far. The crib is put together, the chest of drawers is finished, and all of the furniture is in its place!! We’ve ordered the […]
We had a great Christmas with our families this year! Sunday afternoon, we headed to Trussville to spend a couple of days with my family. We celebrated with the Palmers on Christmas Eve and with my mom’s side of the family on Christmas Day. It was great to see everyone again! Of course, we got […]
I knew this would happen! We still aren’t finished with the nursery, but making just a little progress on it makes me feel so much better! We spent a good bit of last weekend working on it, and we’re getting there. Travis worked on repainting the trim, and it’s now done. He painted it white (the […]
I think I’ve figured out why I’ve been stressed out lately. It all has to do with the number 30. As in, 30 weeks. That’s where we are today…30 weeks along. For some reason, it’s really scaring me. 30 weeks means that Brooklyn will be here definitely in 10 weeks….maybe even less than that. If […]