Wow! Another month gone by! Brooklyn turned 3 months old yesterday. This has been the most fun and enjoyable month so far. I feel like we are starting to see her little personality come out, which is really neat!
Brooklyn doesn’t go back to the doctor for another month, but according to my measurements at home, she is 13.5 lbs (75th percentile) and 24.5 inches long (90th percentile). So, she’s grown an inch and gained 1.5 lbs in the last month. She was only 0.5 lbs short of doubling her birth weight in 3 months! I’m pretty sure I learned in nursing school that babies should double their birth weight by 6 months old, so apparently we just have a really good eater on our hands :)
Nursing has been going MUCH better overall this month. I still feel like I have enough milk to feed 3 or 4 babies, but I think that is slowly improving. Brooklyn occasionally will still get choked and swallow air, but I think we are past the hysterical crying part, which is a huge relief. She is still eating about every 3-4 hours during the day and will usually go all night without eating. Yay!!
Brooklyn’s biggest milestone this month is that she is now sleeping through the night!! Hooray! This started about 2 weeks ago, and she’s slept through the night every night but one since. Usually, I try to feed her around 10 PM and then we will put her in her crib for the night. We put her in her crib awake, and she is great about just going to sleep on her own. So nice!! Then, we usually don’t hear a peep out of her until about 5:30 or 6 AM. Then, I feed her again, and we’ll crawl into our bed and sleep some more. Good timing because she’ll take over Travis’s pillow just about the time he’s getting up for work. She likes to sleep in our bed until at least 8:30 or 9 AM most of the time. Then she’s ready to start her day!
Brooklyn loves anything that lights up and plays music. She also loves to watch the ceiling fan spin. She loves her activity mat and will stay on it for quite a while. She also usually likes to swing in her swing.
Brooklyn is still a very serious baby, but it’s getting easier to get her to crack a smile! (Although getting her to smile for the camera is nearly impossible). She is usually happiest in the morning and will give me big smiles when she first wakes up. She loves to look at Travis and me, and it is the coolest feeling to know we are her favorites.
Brooklyn is “talking” more and more and is now squealing in addition to cooing. So cute! I can’t wait until she starts laughing…that will be the sweetest sound I’m sure.
Brooklyn is still a big cuddle bug. She loves to be held!! I think she would prefer me to just hold her all day long if I would. Usually, she won’t take a nap during the day unless I’m holding her. When I put her down, it doesn’t take her long to figure out she’s not in my arms and she wakes right up!
We have been doing “tummy time” for a few minutes every day, and it is definitely not her favorite. She does NOT like to be on her belly most of the time. She is doing ok picking her head up, but sometimes she just flat out refuses to try. I need to do a better job of making her do tummy time more often so she’ll get better at it.
Brooklyn usually does great riding in the car! She’s gone to Trussville and back the past two weekends and barely made a peep the whole time. Her car seat must be fairly comfortable because she sleeps really well in it.
Brooklyn has been unusually fussy the past several days, and I’m wondering if she will be getting her first tooth soon. She has been drooling A LOT, trying to sticking her fist in her mouth, and sometimes just down right inconsolable. I think I can even feel a tooth coming up, so we’ll see…
She is now officially wearing size 2 diapers after we cleaned up one too many diaper explosions (ha!). She is still wearing 3 month clothes, but I bet she could wear some 3-6 month clothes if I tried them out. Her hair is also starting to grow! You can actually feel the fuzziness!
We love you, Brooklyn, and can’t wait to see how you change and grow over the next month!!
2 replies on “Brooklyn: 3 Months Old”
The apple of Rae-Rae’s eye!! So amazing to see how she’s grown and changed in three short months.
She’s a big girl! :)