This has been a crazy weather day so far. I’m definitely missing the basement at Baugay’s on a day like today! We don’t have a basement here at our house, so when there’s bad weather, I guess our best option is to hide out in our guest bathroom. It’s probably the safest room since it doesn’t have any windows. Luckily, we have some awesome friends from church who have said it’s ok to come over anytime there’s bad weather in the area. The Hesters live about 2 minutes away, so it’s really convenient! I’ve already been over to their house twice today with all of these tornadoes coming through, so thank you, thank you Melissa!! You’re the best! So far, we haven’t had any damage at our house, so hopefully it will stay that way for the rest of the day.
Last night, we went to hear Bobby Bowden speak over in Athens. It was put together to benefit ABS, and we saw a lot of friends and people we know there. We sat with Baugay, and it was great to see her for the first time since we moved a couple of weeks ago. Bobby Bowden was really funny, and he seemed like a natural speaker. He spent most of his time talking about what’s really important in life rather than football wins and losses, so it was pretty inspirational.
Things are really starting to get busy for the two of us, and I have a feeling that it’s not going to slow down until after July 28th! This weekend, Travis is going to a tool and gadget “shower” for Matt on Saturday night. Next weekend, we’ve been invited to FOUR parties/showers….not to mention that it’s also Mother’s Day weekend!!!! The weekend after that is Matt’s bachelor party. Then, we’ve got Emily’s graduation, Memorial Day, the Cotton Row 10k, the lingerie shower, Fripp Island,4th of July, bachelorette party, the wedding!!!!! AAAHHHH!!!!! :) This time of the year gets busy every year, but this year it seems even busier than normal. I think I just need to take it one week at a time. Sometime in there, we’ve got to get unpacked and settled so that people won’t have to step over boxes at the lingerie shower!! I did manage to get my china cabinet cleaned and all of my china washed and put away. It looks so pretty displayed with the light on!! We also rotated our dining room table so that it fits better in the room with the china cabinet.
I’ve been running a good bit over the past week! Today, since the weather was bad, I went to the gym and ran 35 minutes on the treadmill. Monday morning before work, I ran 3.5 miles around our neighborhood and the one across the street. Sunday afternoon I ran some hill repeats in our neighbhorhood. So, I feel like I’m getting in better shape slowly. I need to start upping my mileage though b/c this 10k is only about 1 month away!!!
This is my week to work Thursday instead of Tuesday, so I’m working the next two days. Gotta get this laundry done and folded before church tonight! Hope you all are staying safe today!! :)