Just as the weeks seem to go by in a blur, all of the pictures I’ve taken of Brooklyn lately are blurry. She never stops moving, and the camera on my phone just can’t keep up. Guess I need to start using our good camera more often!
Sorry for the blog hiatus for the past few weeks, but I just can’t seem to get it done during the day…I wonder why! I usually have about 1.5 hours during Brooklyn’s nap to eat, shower, and “get stuff done”, and blogging never seems to make it to the top of the list. Then, at the end of the day I’m either working on other stuff or just too tired. I need to do better!
Here’s what we’ve been up to lately:
Brooklyn has been sporting some new hair-dos lately! Here is her “Pebbles” look…with a bow on top :)
One day recently, we tried pigtails for the first time. They lasted less than 30 minutes before she pulled one side down, but they sure were cute!
For the Florida game, we ordered Marco’s pizza (yum!) and ate supper in front of the TV. We even moved Brooklyn’s chair where she could see!
This girl loves to play outside!
Time for a water break :)
We went to KidVenture for a little while a couple of weeks ago, and Brooklyn had fun running around and playing. She had a great time! I’m trying to take her at least once every couple of weeks until she turns 2, and it’s no longer free!
Back on the home front, harassing Gabby is always a fun activity!
I think Gabby enjoys the attention…to a certain extent. Brooklyn’s just bad about crossing the line! Luckily, she hasn’t been scratched recently that I know of :)
Brooklyn has turned into quite the climber! She thinks the coffee table is her special seat :)
The other day I was getting supper ready, turned around, and saw this! I didn’t think Brooklyn had magically grown a foot or two in the past 5 minutes…??
She was using her walker as a step stool! What a creative and daredevilish girl!
Sometimes I will hear Brooklyn talking to herself in her room, and I’ll wander in there and find her “reading” her Bible in her chair. A few weeks ago, she learned to say “Bible” and now she calls it “Bible” without being prompted. We are trying to teach her that God wrote the Bible, so every night when we do her Bible story before bed, one of us will ask, “Who wrote the Bible?” She doesn’t answer, and I will whisper to her…”God did!” Then she’ll say “God did!” In a few more weeks, I bet she’ll be answering on her own :) So cool!
Brooklyn has also started saying a few other new words lately: apple, flowers, and Tyler. Yes, she called Uncle Tyler by name! Aunt Alisha wasn’t too thrilled when she heard that…haha :) I think she has trouble saying the “sss” sound because she says any word that ends in “s” with a “f” instead. For example, “bubbles” is pronounced “bubbelf”, “toes” are pronounced “toef”, and “flowers” are pronounced “flowerf”. It’s hilarious! She has also started saying a few phrases…”bye bye Ma-Ma” and “uh oh Kitty” are a couple that come to mind. I need to start writing this stuff down when she says it because I’m sure I’m forgetting quite a few new ones!
Travis went to Woodland Hills, California, last week on a business trip, so Brooklyn and I were home alone from Monday through Thursday. We survived! Luckily for me, she doesn’t mind leftovers too much, so we ate spaghetti 3 nights in a row :)
I don’t really feel like I see TravisĀ thatĀ much during the week (it’s just a couple of hours at night after he gets home usually), but it’s amazing how much of a difference having him here for those few hours makes! It’s nice to be able to call in the back-ups after a tiring day chasing around a toddler :) Plus, who wants to clean up that mess by themselves??
Kisses for Da-Da when he got home Thursday night! We were so glad to see him!