Well, another month has flown by! Brooklyn turned 5 months old on Saturday. Pretty soon, we will have had B for half a year!! She is growing physically and getting some personality too. We love our little girl!
Brooklyn is getting SO big! Sometimes, I just stare at her and wonder what happened to my little baby. It seems like she just grows an inch and a pound bigger every night while she sleeps. Right now, she is about 16 lbs (75th percentile) and 27 inches long (98th percentile). Brooklyn is a great eater! We are FINALLY at the point where I don’t stress out over nursing anymore. My milk production has ever-so-slowly gotten better to the point where I’m pretty comfortable most of the time. She is obviously still getting plenty to eat though! She has just started spacing out her nursing sessions to anywhere from every 3.5 to 4.5 hours, which translates into her eating about 5 times a day. Brooklyn hasn’t tried any solids yet, but Dr. Dudley gave us the green light to start them if we felt like she was acting hungry. She told us that sometimes the “bigger babies” like to start solids earlier…so I guess B is officially big! :)
This cutie is a great sleeper at night! We moved up her bedtime a little bit after noticing that she was trying to nap right before she officially went to bed. She usually eats a bedtime snack and goes to sleep somewhere between 8:30 PM and 9:30 PM. She gets so excited when we lay her in her crib at night—she hoots and kicks her legs while she watches her mobile spin around. It’s pretty adorable :) She will usually sleep about 8-9 hours before waking up, although sometimes she wakes up sooner if she accidentally rolls over on her tummy. More on that later.
Brooklyn is still taking sporadic naps throughout the day. She has taken a few naps in her crib lately, but she usually naps on the couch or on a quilt on the floor. Sometimes she hardly sleeps at all during the day, and other times she sleeps a lot! A few weeks ago, she slept all night long, was awake for about 45 minutes during the morning, and went back to sleep until 1:30 PM! I think she got that gene from her daddy :) More often than not, she goes to sleep by lying on her left side and sucking her left thumb.
I would still describe Brooklyn as a pretty serious baby overall, but she also loves to smile and be entertained. She loves people, especially children! There are two sweet girls at church who love Brooklyn, and she loves them just as much. She can be passed around all day and doesn’t seem to mind it. At the same time, she is pretty good at entertaining herself and doesn’t need to be held all the time to be happy. She is super curious right now and wants to check everything out.
It’s a sad day because we’ve recently come to the conclusion out that Brooklyn officially doesn’t like her swing anymore. That thing was a lifesaver for the first 4.5 months of her life…probably the most helpful gift we got! But, I guess she’s moving on. She also seems to get bored with her activity mat sometimes these days. Her new favorite activity is jumping in her doorway jumper. She loves it and usually will stay in for quite a while. She can jump pretty high when she gets going!
Her biggest achievement this month has definitely been learning how to grab and hold onto things. And everything she gets in her grasp goes straight to her mouth, of course! Those toys links are her favorite…
Brooklyn is still only rolling from her back to her tummy, which has proved to be somewhat annoying lately. This is because every time we lay her down on her back, she immediately rolls to her belly. We let her stay that way for as long as possible, hoping that eventually she’ll figure how to roll from her tummy to her back…but no luck yet. So, she does a lot of tummy time these days! Usually, she is fine on her tummy for 5 or 10 minutes, but then she gets upset. She has gotten close to figuring out how to roll back, but she never quite gets it and eventually just lays her head down and gives up because she gets too tired. So, we end up flipping her back over about 50 million times a day. (At least it feels like that many). It’s not as big of a deal during the day, but a lot of nights she will roll over to her belly in her sleep and wake up mad. So, we have to go in there and flip her over. I’m hoping that one day soon she will figure it out and be able to roll both ways as she pleases!
Brooklyn has turned into a big talker too! It’s like she’s finally figured out that she can make noise, and she wants to make sure she’s heard. Her talking is like a cross between babbling and squealing. Sometimes, she can be really loud, especially when we want her to be quiet (like at church). Glad those weddings that we went to a few weeks ago were before she found her “voice”!
Brooklyn’s favorite things right now are putting anything and everything in her mouth, rolling over to her tummy, sucking her thumb, bath time, riding in the car, playing with Daddy, watching sports or Baby Einstein DVDs, and jumping in her doorway jumper. She also recently found her feet, so trying to grab them and put them in her mouth is a new favorite right now too.
Her least favorite things are being on her tummy too long and swinging in her swing. Those are two things that always make her cry these days. Other than that, she usually only cries when she is tired.
Brooklyn is still wearing size 2 diapers, although I’m thinking she’ll move up soon. She is wearing some 3-6 month and mostly 6 month clothes. I’m afraid she’s going to run out of clothes that fit before Kids Market this fall…uh oh!
We love you, Brooklyn! Can’t believe how fast time is flying!