I think I’ve figured out why I’ve been stressed out lately. It all has to do with the number 30. As in, 30 weeks. That’s where we are today…30 weeks along. For some reason, it’s really scaring me. 30 weeks means that Brooklyn will be here definitely in 10 weeks….maybe even less than that. If it’s less than that, it will be a week starting with a “3”….39, 38, etc. And 30 starts with a “3” too. Yikes. I think it’s finally hit me that we’re going to have a baby! Of course, I’ve known that (duh), but it’s really starting to sink in now. I hope we’ll be ready when she comes because I definitely don’t feel ready right now.
I think part of the problem is that the nursery is barely started and definitely not anywhere near finished. Poor Travis had to listen to me stress out on Monday night. I’m feeling better now, but Monday I was seriously close to panic-mode. I think it was partly because it had been a frustrating day…one of those days you feel like was a complete waste of time when you had plenty of better things you could be doing. Travis was a great listener though, and I definitely felt better after talking about it. I think he realized though that we’ve got to get moving on the nursery or I might have a meltdown sometime soon…haha. It’s not helping matters that EVERYONE’S favorite question lately is “So, have you finished the nursery?”. NO, and please quit asking me!!! If we can just get her room ready, then I think I’ll feel more ready. And, yes, I realize that she’s not going to care whether her room is ready or not as long as she has a place to sleep. But, for my sanity (ha), I’d like to get it finished sometime soon.
So, tomorrow and Saturday, we’re going to hit the ground running. Last weekend, we got the chest of drawers ready to be painted (put wood putty in the old hardware holes and sanded the whole thing), and this weekend we’re going to paint. We’re also going to paint the trim in the nursery. The wall color is going to stay the same because it’s a neutral color (taupe). Yesterday, I also bought some letters that spell “Brooklyn” that I’m going to paint and hang on one of the walls. I may start painting those this weekend if I have time. I’ve also got a long to-do list of places to call and stuff to schedule that I’m going to tackle tomorrow. We did decide on a pediatrician, and I’ve already turned in the forms to the office, so at least that’s done. Whew…one thing at a time.
We’ve gotten almost all of our Christmas shopping done, and we didn’t get started until Monday! What saved us is online shopping. With the exception of a few things, we’ve been able to order almost everything off the Internet…with free shipping. Can’t get much easier than that! I also have to post a picture of our latest Christmas decoration. Last week, Mom came up for the day, and we went to Design World. I’d never been in there, even though it’s not far from our house at all. It is the neatest store, and they have the most beautifully decorated Christmas trees!! We bought some supplies, and Mom made me the cutest wreath for our front door. I just love it!! Thanks Mom!!

I guess that’s about it for now. Check back sometime soon for a post about “Things I’ve Learned While Pregnant”….because it’s definitely been a learning experience so far!! :) Hope you have a great weekend!
2 replies on “30”
Erin, I felt the EXACT same way as you did at 30 weeks! I know it’s terrible, but this post made me laugh because I can totally empathize. I’m at 37 weeks, and I just placed my last order to Amazon for a nursing bra, etc. I have yet to pack my go-bag so that’s weighing on me right now. And I was SOOO stressed about the nursery. I felt like a crazy woman!! But once it is done, you will feel great. And remember, first babies don’t usually come early, so hopefully you’ve got a solid 10 weeks to finish everything!! Good luck!
It’s nice to have someone who can relate!!! I thought I was going crazy…haha! You’re almost there…that’s so exciting! I’ll be thinking about you over the next few weeks…can’t wait to see pictures of your little one! :)