
We’re already getting busy!

Well, being able to relax in our new apartment didn’t last long! We hit the ground running in my classes last week and haven’t looked back. I feel like all I’ve done is study, do homework, type notes, and go to class since August 19th. I even study while I’m exercising on the treadmill! They weren’t kidding when they said this semester was intense, that’s for sure. I’m just trying to hang in there until October 2nd, which is our first time that we take the HESI this semester. We get 3 chances to pass it, but I’d really like to pass it the first time so I don’t have to worry about it anymore after that. My preceptorship starts October 13th, which is the Tuesday after fall break, so by October 12th I will have already taken all my finals and everything. The preceptorship lasts until the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and after that, all I’ll have to do is a group presentation the week after Thanksgiving and an optional review course. So, basically I’m just holding on for dear life and trying to take it one day at a time until things slow down a little bit.

Travis’s classes have gotten off to a good start as far as I can tell. He seems to like all of his professors (minus maybe one), and they all speak pretty good English (which is a major plus!) I’ve been lucky not to have to worry about understanding mine…I’ve never had a professor here at UA who wasnt from the U.S.! He’s about to start teaching the high school class at church with Tyler on Wednesday nights, so that will keep him busy on top of his schoolwork.

Next weekend, we’re going to Atlanta for the first Alabama game, so that should be fun. ROLL TIDE!! :)

Well, I gotta get started studying….hope everyone has a great weekend!

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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