Can you tell I’m behind on blogging? It took a while to get this new blog set up, and I’m still tweaking it. Here we are, past week 29 of this pregnancy!!! It’s officially the 3rd trimester now!! Here are my latest weekly pictures…

So far, I’m still feeling really great for the most part! I’ve been kind of tired this week, but I think that may be a result of all the walking we did in Orlando last week. I must still be recuperating! Brooklyn loves to move around, especially at night and in the early morning. I love poking at her and feeling her poke back. It is the coolest feeling! Since we had a lot of time to kill on the drive to Orlando and back, I was especially noticing a lot of movement those days. Travis even felt some good kicks! The Lovenox shots are still going well…it honestly isn’t a big deal at all anymore. It’s just part of the routine, like taking my vitamins. My appointment Monday went well also. I’d actually lost a pound, but I’m attributing that to all the walking in Orlando I guess. I definitely thought I was eating enough to make up for it! Brooklyn’s heart rate was in the 140s, so that was good. Our appointments are every 2 weeks now, so we go back a week from Monday for another checkup.
I mentioned in my last post that we recently got a new camera! It’s our early Christmas present to each other. We wanted to get a nicer one before Brooklyn is born, so we bought a Nikon D7000 on Thanksgiving when it was on sale at Best Buy. So far, we’re having fun playing around with it. It’s going to take a while to figure out how to really use all the settings, but it definitely takes good pictures!! I think Travis’s newest hobby is going to be photography. He’s already read the entire camera manual and was practicing all the new things he learned last night…haha :)
I’m starting to get slightly stressed out about how we are going to get everything done before February. We still haven’t started our Christmas shopping (unless that camera counts), and the nursery isn’t started either. Mom drove up here yesterday and brought us the chest of drawers we’re going to put in the nursery, but we’ve still got to paint it. We also have to paint the trim in the nursery, order the crib and set it up, and hang stuff on the walls. I guess if Brooklyn comes early, we definitely aren’t going to be ready. Hopefully she’ll stay in there a while longer! I have a feeling that January is going to be one big blur…eek!
Speaking of being busy, I’ve got a lot to do today, so time to get started on it all!! :)
2 replies on “Weeks 27-29”
Haha, I can TOTALLY sympathize on that stressed-out, how-in-the-world-is-it-all-going-to-get-done feeling! We’re six weeks away from the EDD, but babies make their own schedules, and so we may not even have that long! People keep telling me it looks like the baby is already dropping, and judging by my new (and welcome) lack of heartburn and increased need to pee all the time, I think they’re right!
Awesome camera!!
It’s crazy how fast time flies!!!! 6 weeks…wow!!! I’m so excited for y’all :)