running school

The first week back…

Well, we’ve made it through our first week of classes…yay! I had OB yesterday and pediatrics today. I also have one class, community health, that meets on Monday. I think it’s going to be a fun semester and hopefully not too hard! I’ll also have clinicals on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays every week throughout the semester in 5-week increments. The first 5 weeks I’ll be in clinicals for peds, then OB, and then community health. After this semester, I’m hoping to have a better idea of what area of the hospital I want to work in.

Travis survived his first week too! He’s going to have a much tougher semester than I am, I’m afraid. He’s taking 17 hours, and I’ve only got 12. He’s got a couple of foreign professors again this semester, but hopefully they’ll be better than the one he had in the fall. His big problem this week was making it to his classes on time. He’s got 3 classes back-to-back on MWF with only 10 minutes in between. That’s one good thing about nursing classes…you don’t have to worry about having back-to-back classes. All of my classes meet once a week for 2 1/2 hours at a time.

We’re still running several times a week. Yesterday we ran 2 miles, and I finished in 15:28! I’m still not in the shape I was back in high school, but I’m okay with that. I’m just happy to be running again at all because it makes me feel so much better throughout the day.

Tonight, we’re going to the quarterly singing at Northwood, and then I’m hoping we’ll get to watch our Netflix movie (The Bucket List) afterwards. I don’t have much of anything to study this weekend, and it’s a really nice/weird feeling. Usually, I’m swamped with stuff to do after the first day! Guess I’ll enjoy it while it lasts :)

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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