This has been such a cold winter so far! I guess we were due for it since last winter it barely got below freezing. But 5 degrees?? Windchill below zero?? No thanks! That’s why I live in Alabama, not Minnesota!
So, while we were lucky up here in North Alabama and didn’t get the crazy ice/snow that Birmingham got earlier this week, it has STILL been cold, cold, cold. Brooklyn and I have barely even left the house this whole week. Highs in the 50s for the next few days will feel like summer time :)
So, there’s not a lot of exciting stuff to report because we’ve been inside staying warm. I don’t think B has minded too much. She can find stuff to “play” with no matter where we are or what we’re doing.
I ordered Brooklyn a new winter hat, and it came in the mail earlier this week. Perfect timing, huh? It was a splurge at 99 cents + tax (and free shipping). I’m such a big spender :) Usually, she won’t leave her hats on for very long, but she actually left this one on the entire time we were at Publix Wednesday. Maybe she likes it better than the others?
This week, Brooklyn figured out that there was something behind the shower curtain in our bathroom. A shower! Imagine that. So, the newest fun thing to do is crawl around in there and check things out. Now, we just have to keep her from getting in there while one of US is in there!
“Hey Daddy…are you in there??”
Brooklyn has been pulling up 50 million times a day and is also starting to cruise along the furniture. She still can’t stand on her own or stand up without holding onto something, so I doubt she’ll be walking by her first birthday (which is in less than 2 weeks!). That’s fine by me…she’s into enough stuff as it is :)
I like this activity table!
This car has also provided some entertainment this week. She likes us to push her around on it. That always makes her smile :)
The first thing I thought of when I saw this picture was…”man, Brooklyn looks tan compared to me!” Actually, I think it’s all the sweet potatoes and carrots she eats. That carotenemia will do that to ya! (Seriously!). Good thing it’s not a harmful condition, or Brooklyn would be very upset.
Speaking of sweet potatoes, here’s one of her recent lunches: sweet potatoes, homemade applesauce, and watered-down juice…
What a good eater we have :) She needs lots of fuel to give her all that energy she has. Here’s a good example…
Always on-the-go and talking about it too. That’s Miss B!!
“Helping” Daddy by taking dirty dishes out of the dishwasher that he just put in there…
“Why can’t I play with that knife??”
I have a feeling that this energetic girl is going to love running around and playing outside when the weather warms up!!! I better get my running shoes ready too!
One reply on “Stuck Inside”
“Mommy, can you keep up with me?” Love my “B”!!!