We have really been loving the beautiful weather this week! It makes me just want to stay outside all day long. Brooklyn and I went on several walks around the neighborhood this week. I think she enjoys being outside too, especially when she sees or hears a “doggie”!
Just chillin’
Brooklyn has been sleeping pretty great all week. She is taking 2 solid naps a day and sleeping through the night. The only exception (go figure!) was Thursday night, the night before I had to be up at 5 AM for work. Sometime during the middle of that night, I heard her cry out:
WAAaaaaAAAAAaaAAAH! Doggie! Doggie! Doggie! WAAAaaaAAAAAHH!! Doggie! Doggie!
It lasted about 15 or 20 seconds, but it was hilarious! I’m not sure if she was asleep the whole time or she had a bad dream or what. That girl just loves doggies!
Other than “doggie” (her favorite word, by far), she is also saying “uh oh”, “ca” (cat), “ki-ee” (kitty), “oof oof” (woof woof), “da” (daddy), “MMMMM” (yum!!!), along with a lot of other babbling we can’t understand. I guess it’s easy to tell that animals and food are her favorite things right now! She doesn’t really say “ma” or “mama” anymore…but I’m hoping that one will come back eventually :)
Last weekend, we made a quick trip to Birmingham for Jenn and Chandler’s first shower. Mom and Dad kept Brooklyn while Travis and I went to it on Saturday night. It was a BBQ for all of their friends, and it was a lot of fun. We played cornhole for the first time, and let’s just say we have some practicing to do! It’s definitely a fun game though!
Love my sister!
Saturday afternoon before we went to the shower, Brooklyn had fun swinging outside for the first time. She loved it! We’ve borrowed a swing for our own swing set at home, so Daddy will need to put that up soon :)
That yellow swing was actually at my Granny and Papa’s house, and we used it growing up. Pretty cool!
The higher, the better!
After she was finished swinging, she went to check out where Bo was hiding in her kennel!
She also loves Toby, another “doggie” friend
This weekend has been busy as well, We went to a BBQ/singing on Friday night, which we really enjoyed. Yesterday, B and I ran a few errands while Travis worked out in the yard. Then last night, we went to Miles’ first birthday party at Daniel and Nicole’s house. It was our first “kids” birthday party to be invited to, so we decided that must mean that we’ve officially transitioned into parenthood :) It was perfect weather again yesterday, and we were outside the whole time. I loved it!
They had lots of toys out for the kids to play with, and Brooklyn immediately took notice of the big rocking horse. “Doggie! Doggie!” So, of course, we took her over to ride the “doggie”. She thought it was great!
Between the swinging and the rocking horse, it’s obvious that we have a little thrill seeker on our hands. I think she gets that from her daddy! Fine with me…she can ride all the rollercoasters with him in about 10 years!
Back to the birthday party…we also had a little photo shoot with Brooklyn, Nathan, and Miles. Nathan and Miles both JUST turned 1 year old (within a week of each other), and so they are only about 2 months younger than B. I hope they’ll all be good friends in a few years :)
First, a few pictures of just Brooklyn and Nathan…
“Hey! Who are you?”
“I think you’re in my personal space, mister!”
Finally, they are looking in the right general direction :)
“Hey, Mom! Hey, Dad!”
“Here I am!”
(Not sure what they’re pointing at here…)
“Hey, here comes the birthday boy!”
How do you get 3 babies to all look at the camera at the same time?
It’s hard work, let me tell you!
This one turned out pretty good!
(Brooklyn was thinking about stealing Miles’ toy drill!)
After the photo shoot, supper, cake/ice cream, and presents, all of the kids just ran around playing. It was fun just watching the mayhem unfold…haha!
Brooklyn’s first ride in a John Deere :)
What fun!
I can’t wait to show them these pictures in about 15 or 16 years!
This coming weekend, we’re going to a family birthday party on Friday night, I’m hosting Mollie’s lingerie shower on Saturday night, and then Sunday is Easter! So, it will be another busy weekend. If the weather is as nice as it has been lately though, I’ll be good with it!