It’s snowing for the second time in two days at our house! If Brooklyn secretly requested to see snow for her 1st birthday, I think she’s gotten her wish :)
Travis got yesterday and today off work, which has been wonderful. He had to work this past weekend (12 hours on Saturday and 5 hours on Sunday), so this has been kind of a belated weekend for us. Crossing my fingers he’ll get tomorrow off too…with me and the birthday girl!
Yesterday morning, we woke up to about 1/2 inch of snow on the ground. After Brooklyn ate, we bundled her up and took her outside for a few minutes to check it out…
“What are we doing out here, Mom?”
“This stuff is slippery!”
We obviously don’t get much snow around here, so B doesn’t really have any good snow clothes. She has no mittens and none of her pants or shoes are waterproof. So, we improvised and put socks on her hands :) She was only outside for 5 minutes, so I didn’t feel too bad!
Checking out the snow…
“What IS this stuff?”
I think she would’ve gladly stayed out there longer because she seemed to enjoy checking it out (although you can’t tell it from that last picture!). BUT I didn’t want her to freeze, so we came back in pretty soon and warmed up. Yesterday’s snow melted by about mid-day, so we’ve pretty much just stayed inside since then.
Cuddle time with Gabby and B :)
Speaking of Gabby, apparently Brooklyn thinks she’s a dog. Or she thinks all animals are dogs. Or maybe “dog” is just her new favorite word?
It didn’t start snowing today until late afternoon right before dark, but we took Brooklyn outside really quick to see snow actually falling for the first time. Disclaimer: Yes, she has no mittens on, and Travis is in his t-shirt. We were outside for approximately 1 minute and 15 seconds :)
So, I just looked outside and our street, driveway, and yard is completely covered in snow! I’m sure it will all be melted by tomorrow afternoon, but maybe we can take the birthday girl out to see it after she wakes up in the morning. And, just for the record, I’m so glad there wasn’t snow on the ground this time last year. That would’ve made for a very interesting labor and delivery story, I’m sure!
What a great week this has been so far!!! With a big birthday to celebrate tomorrow, Valentine’s Day on Friday, and B’s birthday party on Saturday, the fun should definitely continue. Can’t wait!!!!
5 replies on “Snow Days”
Great videos. My little “snow bunny”!!!
The one day it really snowed in Birmingham last year was the day we drove 45 minutes down a very bumpy I-65 to the hospital in labor with Charles. It was fun. ;)
Happy birthday, Miss B!
Wow…I bet that was “fun”! Memorable, at least :)
Erin,so funny that your theme for her birthday party is “winter wonderland” and she got snow on her 1st birthday (just so Daddy could stay home with her)! Happy Birthday, Brooklyn!! It’s been a fantastically fun first year. More to come, I’m sure!
Yeah, pretty ironic, huh? At least the snow came and went before the party so that everyone can get here safely :)