Big news…the nursery is actually looking like a nursery this week. Hooray!!
We made some big progress over the weekend and the New Year’s holiday, and it is looking great so far. The crib is put together, the chest of drawers is finished, and all of the furniture is in its place!! We’ve ordered the crib mattress, and it should be arriving tomorrow. Once it comes, I can finish putting the bedding on the crib. I’m also going to buy (hopefully today) a curtain rod for the valence that matches the bedding. Hopefully, we can hang that this weekend, along with the letters I painted a few weeks ago and some other canvas prints. Another big project left to do is organizing all of Brooklyn’s CLOTHES!!! Thanks to generous gifts from family and my bargain hunting at those consignment sales a few months ago, her closet is already stuffed.If she comes early, she won’t have any diapers, wipes, toys, or bath stuff, but at least she’ll have clothes!! Typical girl I guess. The chest of drawers is empty for now, so soon I’ll be moving a lot of her clothes into it.
Here’s your sneak peek of our progress. I’m going to wait until the nursery is completely finished to share pictures of the room as a whole :)
Of course, Gabby wanted to be in at least one picture. She’s a little bit of an attention hog. We’ll see how that goes in February :)
As for me, today marks 33 weeks along. I’m finally getting over the cold that I had last week, so I’m thankful for that. I’ll just say that sneezing and coughing with a belly this big HURTS. We had another good appointment on Monday at the doctor. My blood pressure and weight, and Brooklyn’s heart rate were all good, so we’re just cruising along I guess. At my appointment after next, they’ll do an ultrasound to see how big she is and how she’s positioned. It’s hard for me to tell because I feel her moving all over. I guess she’s still a wiggle worm like she was at my 13 week appointment with Dr. Gonzalez!
By the way, did I really think this was considered a “baby bump” back in the day? I just look at this picture and laugh!!!!

And, here we are…20 weeks later…

I guess since it’s 2013, I can officially say I’m having a baby THIS YEAR! As a matter of fact, it’s happening next month!! Pretty crazy. 2012 just flew by. If I can get my act together, I’m going to do a 2012 recap post with my new goals for 2013. Two posts in a one week….I must be “nesting” or something! :)
One more thing…I’m still trying to figure out how to get this blog set up like I want it to be. Eventually, I’d like to have a link on here where you can sign up to get emails each time I post. But, for now, I’m going to send the email out myself manually. If you want to be on the email list, leave me a comment on here with your email address, send me a facebook message, or shoot me an email:
Thanks ya’ll! :)
13 replies on “Sneak Peek: Brooklyn’s Nursery”
I want the update emails! You look adorable Erin! Congrats!
Thanks Jess! You’re on the list! :)
You know I want to be on your list for everything including the announcement of Brooklyn’s arrival.
Haha…we promise to keep you updated, Baugay :)
I hope my last comment was posted but this came up again so I will post again.
I love following your blog and would love to be on your e-mail distribution list.
Erin, absolutely please include Uncle Bill and me in your e-mail distribution blog list. Love, love, love the nursery sneak peak and know that you will be a fantastic mommy.
Aunt Gale
Thanks Aunt Gale! I put both of you on the list, so you should get the emails from now on…
I love the new “Trav and Erin + 1” site. It was fun to get caught up with everything going on. Please make sure I am on your email list. I can’t wait to see the nursery!!
Thanks Cheryl!! You’re on the list!
I wanna be on the email list! :)
Of course, sis! :)