Here’s what we were up to during the month of September:
We started out the month with a trip to the lake for Labor Day weekend! Brooklyn only had a half day of school on Friday, so we picked her up at 11 AM, ate lunch, and got our stuff packed to hit the road.
Saturday morning it was time for some swimming :) Savannah had come a long way since our beach trip when she wouldn’t even get in the water!
The girls also got to try something new they’d never done before—riding the jet ski!
Brooklyn loved it!
It completely shocked me when Savannah not only was brave enough to ride the jet ski, but she actually loved it too!
We love our Paw!
Look at that sweet girl with her big toothy smile :)
Savannah was waiting patiently for her turn to ride…
When you get into a splashing fight with Daddy, you always lose :)
Abigail enjoyed gnawing on some corn on the cob–mostly just the ends…
Charlie knows where to sit for the best chance of catching a nibble ;)
Sunday afternoon, we went for a boat ride after church!
It was a fun and relaxing weekend at one of our favorite places!
Savannah and Abigail had Music Together on Labor Day morning. We switched to the Madison location for the fall semester, and our classes were on Mondays at 8:30. It was tough to get there that early, but we made it work.
Brooklyn went with me to the grocery store that afternoon since she was out of school. I’ve started looking forward to her joining me on errands lately since she’s always at school when we normally go to the store. I have to get in that one-on-one time when I can!
We went to Dairy Queen that night for free blizzards. (We are all about some free food at our house!). It was a nice evening to sit outside!
The girls enjoyed their special treats!
Waiting for Brooklyn to get out of school :)
It took me several weeks after collecting all the money for Abigail’s fundraiser, but I finally got all the items bought and organized by the first week in September. We were able to buy gift cards, board books, tissues, puzzle books, hand sanitizers, pens, chapsticks, and notebooks–to be used for care packages for NICU families. September is NICU Awareness Month, so the timing worked out perfectly. We delivered everything to the Project Sweet Peas coordinator on September 7th.
This is the message that I taped to the back of the board books :)
Savannah enjoys getting out when we get close to our house to walk the rest of the way home…
Holding hands—so sweet!
Brooklyn is enjoying her new PINK room :) One of these days, when we get everything hung on the walls, I’ll share better pictures of the entire room…
Music class on 9/10/18
Brooklyn has 50 sight words that she is supposed to learn by the end of the school year. I made flash cards for all of the words, and she enjoys using those to practice.
A little TV time after school on September 11th
What a little ham!
Abigail was a big fan of poppyseed chicken casserole :)
On September 13th, Brooklyn had a special surprise after school…
Paw and Rae Rae walked with us to pick up Brooklyn that afternoon. She was just a little excited about it ;)
Unfortunately, it rained on us a little bit, but we didn’t get too wet. I don’t think Brooklyn minded too much since Paw and Rae Rae were there!
What a special afternoon!
I look a lot like my daddy, don’t you think?
Brooklyn went to the school nurse on Friday (9/14) not feeling well. I checked her out of school early and took her to the doctor. She had strep throat and a double ear infection, so we laid low for the weekend…
When this girl falls asleep on the couch, you know she’s not feeling well…
She was feeling better by Sunday, but we still kept her home from church just to be safe. She enjoyed playing with Abigail that morning.
We went through a super fussy phase this month where Abigail was just not happy to be put down on the floor. It was rough! I got so frustrated one day that I pulled out the Boba and wore her around while I cleaned up the kitchen after lunch. She looks pretty happy about it ;)
Brooklyn brought home her first progress report on September 18th. We were happy to receive such a good report!
My little builder one day…
…and princess the next!
Exploring the stone hearth…which we finally covered with a quilt. Hopefully that will prevent any future injuries!
September 20th was Rock Your School Day at school, so all the kids were supposed to dress up like rock stars. Brooklyn was excited for “Rocket Roll” Day…haha
This was her rock star pose ;)
We went to storytime at the library on September 20th, and Savannah made her own pair of binoculars :)
“Let me in, Daddy!”
This girl loves her PB&J…
Abigail is starting to get interested in books. She likes to pull them out and make messes with them at least ;)
This month, I started standing Abigail up at her activity table to get her to work on that leg strength. She was getting stronger every day!
The last week of September was Johnny Appleseed week at school. On the 25th, they had an applesauce tasting. I’m sure Brooklyn enjoyed that!
Carrie from Project Sweet Peas invited us to meet her up at the Huntsville Hospital NICU later that afternoon to deliver some of the care packages. It was the first time we’d visited the family lounge or stood outside those doors in a little over a year. It was a weird feeling! We were excited to be back for such a good cause.
Our little sweet pea! (Ignore the scary photobomber in the background…)
It was good to talk to some of the NICU nurses while we were there as well! Abigail has come a long way since last year, and we are so thankful.
Abigail hasn’t really gotten interested in TV yet, but I did catch her watching a little Daniel Tiger one day when I turned it on for Savannah :)
Happy girl eating her breakfast!
Savannah loves Rachel Hester so much! I thought these pictures were sweet :)
On the 27th, Mrs. Patterson’s class got to taste apple juice and apple cidar. These are the kids that liked both!
September 27th was our first day trying out car line in the afternoon. It’s pretty amazing that we made it that long without a big afternoon rain!
She’s just too cute with those pig tails :)
We went to Sam’s on September 28th. Savannah was a big helper and walked the whole time!
Savannah has become obsessed with fire hydrants since we started walking to school every day in the afternoons. She always asks to touch every single one we pass. She’s even gotten the other kids into them too :)
Yummy ravioli!
And here is Brooklyn’s fall picture taken at school. I love it! It was actually taken back in August I think, but we didn’t get the digital copy back for a while, so I’m sharing it now :)
Quotes and Notes from September:
- 9/7/18 – I asked, “Where is Abigail?” Savannah replied, “She’s in Brooklyn’s room learning.” (As you might guess, we are playing school a lot at our house these days…).
- Savannah pronounces her words correctly most of the time these days, but there are still some funny things she says wrong. She says “yoo-sic” instead of music. I can’t bring myself to correct her because it’s so cute. She talks about yoo-sic class all the time!
- 9/18/18 – We’ve made it through a little over a month of school, and Brooklyn has already had strep throat twice and a double ear infection! Kindergarten is killing us! I think it took a couple of weeks, but she has started saying she likes school and doesn’t complain about going anymore. Yay! :)
- 9/21/18 – Brooklyn came home from school saying it was the best day ever! She got to check out her first library book from school (she chose a book about beetles), and she told me that she got to sit up front with the coaches and play in P.E. because she was doing such a good job.
- 9/21/18 – Brooklyn came out of her room not too long before bedtime with 2 coins in her hand. She asked me, “What are these?” I told her they were quarters. She then announced to us, “If you’ll let me stay up late tonight, I’ll give you one quarter for each of you.” The bribes start early, I guess! ;)
- 9/26/18 – In the last week or so, Savannah has started giving us “real” kisses (not just touching us with her face, if that makes sense). I’ve been making a big deal about it and telling her after she gives me a kiss, “That just warms my heart!” and we laugh and smile. One time, I didn’t say it, and she chided me, “You didn’t say it warms your heart!”
- 9/27/18 – It was almost time to head to Bible class on Wednesday night, so I said, “C’mon Abigail it’s time to go!” And she raised her hand (like she was trying to wave) and said “bye!”
- 9/28/18 – Brooklyn has learned so much since school started on August 7th! She can count to 120 (getting most numbers right). She can count to 100 by 10s. She can count to 10 in Spanish. She recognizes quite a few of her sight words already. She is soaking up everything like a little sponge and really seems to enjoy school. She comes home and works on worksheets sometimes just because she wants to (not because we tell her to).
- 9/28/18 – Savannah says “umbree-ella” for umbrella :)
Thanks for reading!