
Savannah: 9 Years Old

Time marches on, and Savannah is another year older–she turned 9 last month! Here are some things we want to remember about Savannah right now:

At 9 years old, Savannah is 53 inches tall (50th percentile) and 60.5 lbs (40th percentile). She grew a little over 2 inches and gained 7 lbs since last year! Savannah is now solidly wearing size 10/12 clothes. It has been interesting because she and Brooklyn can wear a lot of the same clothes at this point. Brooklyn needs longer pants and shorts, but other than that, they can share most everything. Savannah is wearing size 3 to 3.5 in shoes, and she recently lost her 7th tooth. She was especially excited because it was her first time to lose a tooth since 1st grade. She has started seeing an orthodontist in the last year, and he is monitoring her teeth because she is missing two permanent teeth. She will likely need braces at some point in the future. Her hair continues to grow, and at this point, she doesn’t want to cut it until her hair is long enough to donate (Depending on the company, her ponytail needs to be 8-12 inches long). If and when she decides to cut it short, I know it will look just as beautiful as when it’s long! Toward the end of the school year, Savannah started saying that she couldn’t see the board at school. I took her to the eye doctor, and her vision is 20/40 in one eye and 20/50 in the other eye. She is borderline needing glasses at this point, but the doctor encouraged us to wait until 4th grade and reassess her at that point. Sounds like glasses may be in her future sooner rather than later!

Savannah continues to be a good eater overall. She doesn’t seem to love cereal as much as she used to, and sometimes she prefers to eat a couple of pieces of toast for breakfast instead. She almost always chooses a PB&J sandwich for lunch. This school year, she got more selective about which days she wanted to buy her lunch at school and usually chose to bring unless there was something on the menu she really loved. Savannah likes most fruits, but her favorites are raspberries (as long as they aren’t too sour) and blueberries. Her favorite vegetable is green beans. One of her other favorite foods is my homemade macaroni and cheese ;) She definitely has a sweet tooth as well and loves chocolatey desserts the best.

Savannah has been pushing for a later bedtime like Brooklyn lately, but for now her bedtime is officially still 8 pm during the school year. (We rarely get her tucked in that early though…haha). She likes to read in bed during the summer or on the weekend when she wakes up before coming out to eat breakfast. Out of our 3 kids, she is the least likely to take a nap. Pretty much the only time we’ll catch her napping is if she’s sick.

Savannah just finished 3rd grade, and it was a wonderful year! She had the same teacher that Brooklyn had for 2nd grade, and Mrs. Borys is a big part of why it was such a great year for Savannah. She is definitely one of our favorite teachers at Mill Creek! She went above and beyond in several ways this year to help Savannah specifically, which meant so much. It also helped Savannah that one of her best friends, Gabriella, was in her class as well this year. It always helps when Savannah starts out the year having a friend in her class. Savannah made two other friends this year, Harper and Macie, and enjoyed getting to know several of the other girls as well. Savannah loved having Mrs. Borys as her teacher and was sad about the year ending. She said it went by too fast. Savannah did well in school and learned a lot! We are hoping 4th grade will be another good year for her.

We are a big sports family, and all of our girls like sports…however, Savannah LOVES sports. She enjoys playing sports and watching them on TV, and she and Travis have really bonded by watching sports together in the last year. It doesn’t really matter what sport it is…Savannah will usually be interested in watching it. She amazes us with her ability to remember which players are on different NFL teams. I think she really just enjoys the competition aspect of sports. She tried playing basketball for the first time over the winter and liked it, but not as much as she likes playing soccer. However, we recently got a basketball goal in our driveway, and she has used it the most out of any of the girls so far. Her dribbling and shooting have improved just in the last few weeks from all the practicing she’s done! She still favors soccer, and I love watching her play. She runs so effortlessly and has a great vision for where to pass to an open teammate.

Savannah’s other interests include drawing and doing crafts, reading, and baking. It makes me happy that she still enjoys a lot of the same chapter book series that she’s been reading for several years now, like Boxcar Children. I also still catch her reading picture books and easy readers from time to time. She also still loves polar bears and arctic animals in general.

We like to joke that Savannah is both our loudest child and our quietest child. She is definitely the most reserved of the bunch, but she’s got a set of lungs and can be extremely loud when she’s being silly ;) At home, she loves to sing and hum and make funny noises. Around other people, though, it takes her a while to get comfortable. Only a small number get to see her silly side come out. Savannah is definitely a rule follower and very aware of people around her and whether they are following the rules or not. It bothered her at school this year that there were several boys in her class who misbehaved a lot. Savannah tends to have a “glass half empty” mentality, and we are working hard to help her see things from the other perspective. She is such a special girl, and we want her to see that about herself and have a more positive attitude in general! Savannah is naturally very curious and asks A LOT of questions. She is always trying to understand new things, and it’s neat to see her learn and retain so much!

One thing that makes us so proud of Savannah is her caring personality. She isn’t perfect, but she seems to just naturally think of others and want to help them if she can. We especially see that in her relationship with Abigail. They definitely have their squabbles, but Savannah is such a sweet big sister and very motherly to Abigail. She is generous and thoughtful, which makes us so happy. She also plays well with Brooklyn and is sweet to share with her too. Savannah definitely enjoys her alone time, but she spends plenty of time with her sisters playing outside or in one of their rooms. I enjoy seeing what they come up with to play together.

Savannah, you are a gem! We are so very thankful for you!

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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