I feel like I just wrote her 10 month update, and now here we are a month later. Where does the time go??
This month, we used a very special quilt for Savannah’s pictures. It was made by her aunt Alisha, and it even has her name on it! I was so excited when Alisha gave it to us a few weeks ago :)
Savannah is weighing in at about 20.5 pounds right now, according to our scale at home. I’m not sure I believe this though because she just doesn’t seem that much bigger than last month. Who knows! She is still nursing about 3 to 4 times a day. Sometimes, if we are busy, she’ll skip the late afternoon session and just nurse on both sides at bedtime, but usually she nurses first thing in the morning, around 12 PM, 4 PM (give or take an hour), and at bedtime. I can tell that my supply is slowly dwindling now that she’s eating so much table food, so we will probably cut back to nursing just twice a day around her birthday when she starts drinking cow’s milk. Hopefully that will be a smooth transition! Savannah still loves to eat food! She eats just about anything. I thought last month that she didn’t like strawberries, but it must have just been that particular carton because she eats them all the time now. She especially seems to like bananas. She continues to out-eat her big sister at many meals. She ate her first piece of candy (a jelly bean) on Easter…sneaky little girl! And she apparently got her first taste of chocolate from Rae Rae…chocolate pudding. I’m sure she loved it! She doesn’t drink a lot from a sippy cup, but she knows how to at least. She has fun getting water in her mouth and then letting it dribble out onto her bib ;) She can hold the cup herself and drink pretty well.
Savannah is currently sleeping through the night most of the time. Of course, there are always exceptions, but she’s doing pretty well overall. She generally sleeps from about 8 or 8:30 PM to anywhere from 6:45 AM to 8 AM. Ever since the time change a few weeks ago, she’s been sleeping later most mornings, waking up around 7:30 or 8 AM. It’s been really nice! She has started crying most nights when I lay her down to sleep, but she generally goes to sleep within a couple of minutes.
Savannah is still taking 2 naps per day on average. They are usually at about 9 or 10 AM (depending on when she woke up that morning) and around 2 or 2:30 PM. Most of the time, she’ll sleep about 1 to 1.5 hours. I won’t complain! She usually cries when I leave the room but settles down quickly. If she’s feeling particularly fiesty that day, she might toss her paci out of the crib and cry until we come back in. That girl!
We are now officially in the “let’s dump everything out of the cabinets and pantry” stage. Yay ;) Savannah has discovered the Tupperware cabinet, the cleaning cabinet (she can take off the “child-proof” lock by herself…whoops), the box of Ziplocs in the pantry, the drawer of pots and pans, and the stuff in the bathroom cabinets. I’d almost forgotten what it was like to put away Tupperware 5 times per day…haha. She is still obsessed with the cat food and water, even though we are very consistent at telling her “no”. I guess it’s just too tempting to ignore. This month, she has also become really interested in the toilet. Anytime Brooklyn or I use the bathroom, Savannah will make a beeline for the toilet when we get up. It makes for quite the adventure trying to help a 3 year old use the potty while keeping an 11 month old from splashing in it ;) Fun times!
However, she is definitely beginning to understand the concept of “cleaning up”. If I ask her to, she will put a block in the tub or a toy in the box where it goes. Brooklyn thinks it’s a big game to get Savannah to “help” clean up, and we all clap and cheer every time she does it. Now if we could just figure out how to teach her to put the Tupperware away ;)
Savannah isn’t cruising around the furniture just yet, but she can take a step or two from side to side while holding onto the coffee table (or something else). I bet it won’t be long! She can also walk behind her push walker, although she really prefers to walk pushing the yellow plastic chair that goes with Brooklyn’s play kitchen. She will also walk pushing the activity table across the living room. So basically she uses “walkers” that aren’t really walkers…haha. Whatever works! She isn’t very steady at walking with them yet, but she can definitely take a few steps at a time. She can also stand up without holding onto anything for a couple of seconds at a time.
Savannah is starting to say “ma ma” fairly often, and I’m starting to think that she’s using it to refer to me. Yay! She also says something like “mum mum” that sort of sounds like “yum yum” when she’s eating. “Ah yee!” is what she yells when she’s excited—not sure what that translates into, but it’s pretty cute nonetheless. She also likes to yell “ah” or “eh” back and forth with one of us; if we mimic that sound, she’ll say it back, and we just keep repeating each other. She’ll do that for as long as we’ll play along :)
Savannah is still very much wary of most people not named “Mommy” or “Daddy”. She has even hurt Rae Rae’s and Cici’s feelings before by crying when they walk into the room. If I go to work and come home, she immediately starts crying when I walk in the door until I pick her up…even if she was fine right before I got there. She can play and entertain herself pretty well at home, but sometimes she’ll just break down crying if she discovers I’ve left the room until she finds me. She usually never smiles at strangers in the grocery store, but most of the time she holds it together and doesn’t cry at least. She loves to laugh and smile at Mommy and Daddy (and Brooklyn) though, so maybe one day she will warm up to the rest of the world! :)
Likes: Mommy, exploring the house, taking baths, swinging outside, watching/trying to touch the cats
Dislikes: being away from Mommy, getting out of the tub and ready for bed, getting her face wiped, the “nose sucker”, being put down for bed
I thought it would never happen, but Savannah finally has a third tooth! It took at least a week or two to pop through, but it’s finally barely poking through the gumline. So, now she has two on bottom and one on top. Her feet are also growing, and she is starting to fit into several pairs of size 3 shoes! She is still wearing mostly 12 month clothes and they are fitting well except in the neck. That noggin is so big that it barely fits through her shirts unless they button or snap at the top! :)
1 more month until someone has a BIG birthday! I can hardly believe it! I need to get busy planning this sweet girl’s party :)