pregnancy running travel weddings

Quick Notes

  • Today I’m 22 weeks along! We’re one week closer to February!! :)
  • I’ve been feeling lots of movement this week. I’ve noticed that she is especially active in the evenings sometimes. Wonder if she’s going to be a night owl??
  • Travis has already decided that she is “stubborn and unruly!” He has been trying all week to feel her move when she starts kicking around…..and every time he puts his hand on my belly, she quits moving and won’t for a while! Poor Daddy…
  • Tomorrow is our next doctor’s appointment, and then we are heading to Tennessee for Travis’s cousin Megan’s wedding.
  • Saturday is the Liz Hurley Ribbon Run…and unless my doctor says otherwise tomorrow, I’m planning to jog part or hopefully most of it. This week I’ve “run” 1.85 miles without stopping on two different days. Surely I can do 3 miles with maybe one or two walk breaks, right? It’s a far cry from a half marathon, but when you feel like your bladder is being bounced on with every step, I think it’s a pretty big accomplishment…haha :)
  • Saturday is also my 26th birthday! I’ve been joking this week that I’m on the downhill slide to 30, but no one is feeling sorry for me. Actually, I’m really enjoying my mid-twenties. This is a really exciting time, and I’m trying to soak it in!
  • We changed our minds about buying the carseat/stroller system on Craigslist, so we’re back to going with a brand new system. Mom and Dad (and possibly others in the family) are going to give it to us as a baby shower gift (thank you, thank you!!), so we’re excited. We actually found a pretty good deal online, so it didn’t cost as much as I originally thought it would. Yay for deals!
  • So far, 2012 has been a really awesome year with a lot of exciting times. 2011 was a tough year between the April tornado and Mom being diagnosed with breast cancer, but it was an opportunity to grow. I’m starting to see how life just goes like that….good times and hard times. I hope I’m making the most of these good times while still remembering the lessons I learned last year about faith and hope…
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” ~Proverbs 3:3-4

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

2 replies on “Quick Notes”

>Yeah, our Little One usually would stop moving when Trevvor put his hand on my belly. I wonder if I tensed up or shifted subtly or if it was the warmth of his hand.. Now he usually puts his hand on my belly as we fall asleep and wake up, and Baby is usually pretty bouncy about then so he's gotten to feel lots of nudges and flutters.

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