Looking back at our October calendar makes me tired! I will try to condense the recap into a manageable amount, but be prepared to buckle up ;) There was a lot happening this month! Fall break was the first week in October this year. We decided to stay home instead of traveling, and we enjoyed […]
Savannah: 9 Years Old
Time marches on, and Savannah is another year older–she turned 9 last month! Here are some things we want to remember about Savannah right now: At 9 years old, Savannah is 53 inches tall (50th percentile) and 60.5 lbs (40th percentile). She grew a little over 2 inches and gained 7 lbs since last year! […]
During the month of September, we stayed busy with school activities, soccer, and Travis also had two work trips. Looking back at my calendar, it was very full. Here’s the recap: September 1 was the last kindergarten Color Day, and Abigail was supposed to wear brown–not a color that we have very much of in […]
We blinked, and somehow it was already August. Not sure how that happened. This month, we stayed busy getting back into the school routine and starting the fall soccer season. We also celebrated two very important birthdays! Here’s the recap: On August 1st, I thought it was so cute that Abigail got out all of […]
I think this post will *finally* wrap up the month of July for our family…haha. Besides our trips and camps, we had quite a few other things on the calendar as well. Here’s the recap: The girls were doing silly hair styles and discovered their hair was long enough to make a “beard”…haha! We met […]