
Homecoming and Halloween all in one week!

Well, it’s been a busy week, and I think it’s going to be a pretty busy weekend! I’ve started running again…3 times this week! Woo hoo! I wouldn’t be motivated to do it alone…luckily, I’ve been going with Kathryn and Alisha! Maybe we’ll be in shape enough to run the Mercedes half marathon in February…that’s […]

Alabama football birthdays school

I’m getting old!

I’m officially 22 years old as of yesterday. I don’t feel any older….but that’s probably a good thing. Travis got me an iPod Nano for my birthday. I’ve taken it to the Rec twice already, and I love it! Now I just need an armband so I can wear it around easier. Alisha and Emily […]

family travel


Well, I’m already falling behind on updating this thing… The last part of last week was fall break, and it came at a much needed time! I’m starting to get burnt out from all this studying. We went up to Huntsville last Wednesday afternoon and stayed until Saturday morning when we left for Six Flags. […]

Alabama football

A Day of Football

Well, we won the game against Kentucky….BARELY. I hope we play better after having a week off when Ole Miss comes to town. Auburn just lost….so that makes everything better, of course!! My parents came for the game…so it was great to see them! Next week is fall break, and I can’t wait. We are […]


AHH…nursing school!

It’s not really that bad. I do study a lot, but I think it will be worth it when I graduate and have no problem finding a job. (Knock on wood). I had to do a presentation today in my front of the girls in my clinical group and my instructor, Mrs. Johnson. This was […]