Well, I’ve already taken 1 final out of 3, and Travis has taken 2 out of 4. We are so close to being through for the semester!! I’ve done a lot of things BESIDES studying this week, so it hasn’t really been that bad. Alisha and I have been running and working out almost every […]
We love the holidays!
Last week was great! We only had 2 days of class (well, I only had 1), and then we were able to go to Trussville for a few days to spend time with my family. Of course, the food was amazing. Anyone who hasn’t had my mom’s sweet potato casserole is REALLY missing out. She […]
A weekend full of fun!
We had a lot of fun this past weekend! Here’s the recap: Friday: My clinical instructor let us leave the hospital early, so I was home by 12:30 instead of 2:30!! Yay! I also got to go down to the OR and watch a surgery (it was something called a pericardial window where they drain […]
I can’t wait until Travis gets home! He’s been gone since Monday night, but it feels like forever! He went to a Coldplay concert last night in Atlanta with Nate. They got to go backstage before the concert and watch the band warm up. I think they had a lot of fun, and he said […]
The bonfire and Halloween party were a lot of fun last weekend! My costume wasn’t very original…but, at least it was free! Here we are at the bonfire on the Quad The two nurses at the party…Jess and me! In other news, tomorrow is the big game with LSU. We’re having a few friends over […]