October was a pretty crazy and busy month for us. (“Crazy and busy” was our theme for most of 2017). October was filled with more doctor’s appointments for me and Abigail, and Travis even got the pleasure of having a colonoscopy done at the end of the month. In between all the appointments, we went to a showing at a house we were interested in and ended up making an offer on it because we liked it so much. And Travis had one final busy month at work before things finally slowed down on his project in November. Here’s the recap in pictures:
So loved…just like the onesie says :)
All of our girls have had long fingers…hopefully at least one of them will try out piano lessons one day!
Brooklyn drew this picture of sunflowers in the rain on October 3rd. It’s a little hard to see the yellow petals, but I thought it turned out great!
Cici was a big help again this month in so many ways!
I think Savannah was still napping when this picture was taken, or else she would have been in it too :)
Brooklyn and Savannah fuss and fight fairly often these days, so it’s always nice to see them playing nicely together…
October 4th was Abigail’s due date. We never would have imagined that she would already be 7 weeks old by then!
Sweetest little toes…
Baugay came over on October 5th and met Abigail for the first time! We didn’t start taking Abigail out in public until after she turned 2 months old and got her shots, so not too many people got to meet her before mid-October unless they came to our apartment.
Travis took the day off on Friday, October 6th, so I took Brooklyn and Savannah on a “nature walk” at the nearby greenway. I enjoyed getting out of the house and getting some fresh air, and I know the girls did too.
Have you heard of rock painting? It’s apparently a big thing lately where people paint rocks with messages/pictures on them and hide them around town for others to find. Well, we found one on our walk that day. Brooklyn thought it was so cool to find a rock that looked like a pumpkin!
There’s a local Facebook group where people post pictures of rocks that they find and/or paint. Some of the designs that people paint on these rocks are incredible!
We also picked up a bunch of “regular” rocks and threw them in the creek—always a favorite activity when we walk the greenway :)
After finding the pumpkin rock, the girls decided they wanted to try painting rocks too, so we took a couple of rocks home. We only had washable paint, so we didn’t go out and hide them when we were finished. But they still had fun!
Painting is always a messy adventure :)
Savannah was covered in paint and had to go straight to the tub to wash off when she was finished!
Showing me her painted rock :)
I took the girls to one of the playgrounds at the apartment complex on October 7th. I was amused that both of them were digging in the dirt instead of playing on the playground equipment. They aren’t afraid to get dirty outside!
This is a terrible picture, but Brooklyn was being particularly stubborn about picking out her own clothes on Sunday, October 8th. She wanted to wear a navy blue sleeveless dress to church, so I told her that was fine as long as she wore a sweater over it. Then, she wanted to wear black dress shoes with her dress socks pulled all the way up instead of folded down. Whatever! It wasn’t worth the fight that day ;)
Sunday afternoon snuggles :)
October 9th – Brooklyn got Daddy to help her make a list of fun things to do. My favorites: walk fast and try to get each “udder”, watch fun “fings”, and organize “everyfing” in room…haha!
My view while eating breakfast…
October 10th – playing dress up :)
So blessed to have these three girls!
We made another list of fun things to do, and this time Brooklyn wrote some ideas at the bottom. She added “make a dragon” and “draw a picture for Lillian”. I told her how to spell the words, and she wrote the letters! She has basically taught herself how to write her letters…it’s pretty crazy.
#10 on the list is “give Abigail a little hug” :)
She also wrote “find leaves” and “blow bubbles” on a new piece of paper. She has been writing letters for a little while now, but it’s neat to see her writing actual words (with help)!
Brooklyn loves to draw pictures for Grandma Dvorak, and I especially loved this one!
“Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors”
Love these girls!
Abigail was all dressed up for the Arkansas game on October 14th :)
Roll Tide!
More artwork by Brooklyn – rainbow kitty cats :)
“Paw standing under the sunset”…haha!
I love catching moments like this – Brooklyn was “reading” Bible stories to Savannah. I got a video of it too…it was something I don’t want to forget!
Ready for Wednesday night Bible class!
October 19th – first trip to Sprouts with all 3 girls! Brooklyn pushed her own cart, and Savannah and Abigail rode in the other one.
Brooklyn also bought some jelly beans with her allowance money :)
The girls always enjoy eating lunch on the balcony!
Our apartment complex was right by the train tracks, so it’s only natural that Brooklyn drew her own train…even added a conductor and passengers!
I love this little gal!
Sometimes you just can’t help falling asleep during quiet time ;)
Daddy came home from work exhausted on many nights, and the girls enjoyed tickling his feet and rubbing his back.
Supervising the cooking process before supper…
Thought for the day on October 27th – the day Travis had his colonoscopy; he had been having some GI bleeding off and on over the last 6 months or so, and his regular doctor referred him to a GI doctor who scheduled him for a colonoscopy to check things out. Thankfully, everything went well, and there were no serious problems like polyps or colon cancer. The worst part of the whole thing was the prep for the procedure….I didn’t even experience it firsthand, and I’m already dreading going through that one day. Whew.
Quotes and Notes from October:
- 10/2/17 – We are trying to teach Savannah how to pray. We prompt her by asking, “What are you thankful for?” Her answers tonight were: “Mommy’s parents, the blinds, the wall, and my toes.” Travis and I started laughing (we couldn’t help it) and Brooklyn started shaking her finger at us saying, “No laughing in the prayer! No laughing in the prayer!” You just can’t make this stuff up!
- 10/2/17 – Brooklyn and Savannah loved the Lucky “Arms” (Charms) treats that Emily Smith made for us :)
- 10/3/17 – Savannah slept from 8 PM to 10 AM and then took a 3 hour nap that afternoon! I can already tell she’ll be the one sleeping until noon when she’s a teenager. Brooklyn will probably still be waking up at 7 AM ;)
- Savannah frequently wakes up crying in the morning. She will say, “I had a bad dweam!” and point to her window. There is a tree right outside her window, and she doesn’t like the sound of the branches scraping against the window and says it’s scary. I think it’s become a habit to “wake up scared” even when it’s nice outside and there’s no wind blowing the tree.
- 10/5/17 – Savannah used the big girl potty for the first time! We’d finished baths and were about to get her dressed in her PJs. She said something like, “I tinkle!”, so I asked her if she wanted to use the potty. She sat on the potty and drank orange juice and then was able to go after a few minutes :) She was excited to get 2 Sour Patch Kids as a reward!
- “My do it!” – Savannah wants to do everything herself these days!
- 10/14/17 – Brooklyn (rubbing the side of her belly): “Why is my tummy bumpy?” Me: “Those are your ribs. They help keep your lungs safe.” Brooklyn: “When I’m smoking??” Who knows… :)
- 10/30/17 – Brooklyn enjoys making books these days. We fold paper together and staple it to make a book. She draws the pictures and tells us what to write on each page. So far, she has made a Lion King book, a Zoo book, and a Fruit book. They are priceless and definitely worth saving!
- We went to a showing at a house in Madison we were interested in on Saturday, October 14th. We had seen several houses in the same neighborhood over the last several months, but none of them had been exactly what we were looking for. (Remember, we’re pretty picky…haha. That’s why we moved into an apartment rather than just buying a house we didn’t totally love.). To our surprise though, we actually really liked this particular house. We even went back to see it again 2 days later. We ended up making an offer that night! The seller didn’t accept the offer, so we countered with our original asking price but offered to pay all of our own closing costs (we had first asked him to pay $4000 in closing costs). The seller didn’t accept that counter either, at least not initially. Imagine our surprise, though, when he came back a week later and said he had changed his mind if we were still interested! We were so excited and officially went under contract on October 24th. We were probably crazy for trying to buy a house in the middle of such a busy time for Travis at work (the big deadline on his project was October 31st!) and while we were sleep deprived with a new baby, but somehow we survived. Spoiler alert: we’re living in the new house now. Much more to come!
Next up: Halloween at Paw and Rae Rae’s!