November was an exciting month because it was officially the month of our big trip with the Hesters. But first we had to get through a few weeks of normal life at home. I’m going to recap those weeks here, and then I’ll do a separate post about our trip.

Mikayla made us a countdown chain for our big trip and gave it to us at the Halloween party on November 1st. The girls couldn’t wait to hang it up and start tearing a piece off each night.

Abigail was excited too! I was a little nervous that she would pull it down or tear a piece off on her own, but she did a good job of looking at it but not messing with it.

Brooklyn had her last soccer game of the fall season on November 2nd. (There were 2 games cancelled during the season…one during fall break and one for rain.) 1…2…3…Rainbow Unicorns!

Brooklyn’s team only had 3 players show up (not surprising–we had bad luck this season with 2 kids who rarely showed up to games or practices), so the other team let us borrow a player so that they could play 4v4.

Brooklyn made a lot of progress over the season! She learned how to be a good sport, which is what we are most proud of. She helped a teammate up who fell today :) She didn’t score today but played hard and is a good little defender. She’s not afraid to run up and kick the ball away from someone. They played Avery’s team, so Brooklyn had fun seeing her friend out there. It was a good way to end the season!

Avery has a younger sister, Felicity, who is Savannah’s age, and they enjoyed playing together during the game.

Cici was able to come to several games this season, and for this game, she brought us some yummy hot chocolate since it was a cool morning. Abigail loved it!

Riding back to the car in style after the game :)

Brooklyn is always making her latest creation. I can’t remember what this was (maybe a bird’s nest?), but it involved lots of leaves and scotch tape…haha.

11/4/19 – Brooklyn pulled out tooth #4 tonight! I didn’t realize it was so loose until the past day or two. Now she’s missing the top two teeth, and she looks so cute! “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth” is so fitting right now! ;)

Her questions to the tooth fairy are getting harder and harder each time!

On November 5th, I took the girls to their pediatrician’s office after school, and we all got our flu shots. They all did REALLY well with the shots, and I was so proud of Savannah for volunteering to go first out of all four of us! Afterward, we went to Sonic and got some special treats to eat at home.

We all enjoyed that part of the afternoon!

On November 6th, Kaitlin (the other room mom in Ms. Carter’s class) and I went up to the school for Duty Free Lunch. We had a surprise craft for the kids to make for Ms. Carter during lunch. Kaitlin made this super cute turkey, and each child got a feather to write a note to Ms. Carter on. I thought it turned out so well, and she loved it when we gave it to her after lunch!

All ready for Bible class that night in their coordinating outfits that Rae Rae bought them :)

Cool kid!

I love to see all the different things they build with Magna Tiles :)

Even daddies get tired by 8 PM sometimes :)

“I wonder if he’s going to wake up?”

It was around early November when I started noticing Savannah and Abigail playing together more and more while Brooklyn was at school :)


Brooklyn had a half day of school on November 8th (the Friday before Veteran’s Day), and the girls enjoyed looking at their bible class folders that afternoon.

That night, we went to the Hesters’ house for dinner and some pre-vacation planning :) The kids had fun playing in the playroom, and Abigail looked hilarious wearing this goat head…hahaha

“We used every single Magna Tile to build this!”

On November 9th, we went to Insanity Skate Complex for Brooklyn’s soccer team party. It was Savannah’s first time ever to roller skate!

She did so good! She only fell a few times and went really slow with her skate trainer ;) She figured out all by herself to roll one foot and drag the other foot behind with the stopper pointed down to control her speed.

Brooklyn, on the other hand, was racing around the rink as fast as she could, wiping out regularly ;)

They both had a blast!

Savannah skated longer than Brooklyn or her teammates did (Darby and Hattie)…

…and Brooklyn ditched the skate trainer by the end and was doing pretty well at skating without falling down!

The kids all ate pizza and cookie cake, and Coach Craig passed out their medals.

Coach Craig said he was proud of Brooklyn for always hustling, and that he could always count on her for a big kick ;)

It was a fun morning and a good way to cap off the season!

Tried to get a picture of this little stinker in her Alabama shirt for gameday, but she wouldn’t cooperate ;)

On November 10th, there weren’t enough boys at Bible drill class for the first few minutes, so Travis got recruited to be on the boys’ team…haha. At least he got his one question right!

Abigail enjoyed sitting by one of the twins for a few minutes. (I can’t ever tell when I look back at pictures if it’s Luke or Barrett. I’m a terrible aunt!)

Paw and Rae Rae came to visit us on November 11th, which was Veteran’s Day. Brooklyn had the day off from school, and we all went out to eat at Firehouse Subs. Abigail looked so cute in her fireman hat holding Paw’s hand when we left the restaurant :)

On November 12th, we celebrated Carter turning FIVE at Dunkin Donuts with Alisha, Britni, Emily, and their kids. It was a fun morning, and Savannah and Abigail enjoyed the doughnuts too. It’s hard to believe that Carter and Savannah will be starting kindergarten in a few short months!

November 13th was World Kindness Day in honor of Mr. Rogers, and Mill Creek encouraged kids to wear a cardigan to school that day if they had one. Brooklyn had to borrow one from Savannah, but thankfully it fit pretty well :)

“Take a picture of my silly face!”

Ms. Carter’s class on World Kindness Day – I love how their school shirts for this year say “Be Kind” on the front. Perfect for the occasion!

Savannah is a sweet big sister! On this particular morning, she was helping Abigail eat her applesauce pouch :)

Brooklyn loves to write notes and draw pictures for her friends on family. Avery, her friend at school, had surgery, and Brooklyn drew her a picture…

It’s so fun to wear Mommy’s big boots!

We are still loving our afternoon walks home from school, especially when the weather is nice!

We left on our trip on November 21st, and the day before, I was packing and getting everything ready like crazy. Good thing I had my little helper to unpack the suitcases that I’d just packed ;) Somehow, we still managed to get everything packed and loaded in time!! I can’t wait to share pictures of the fun time we had, but I’ll have to save it for a future post.
Notes and Quotes from Early November:
- 11/2/19 – Savannah thought we were eating chicken for supper, and I told her it was actually pork tenderloin that came from a pig. She likes to dip her meat in ranch dressing just like her daddy and Brooklyn do…so a few minutes later she asked, “Can the pig feel the ranch dressing?” :)
- 11/12/19 – Today was a really cold day! I think the high was in the low 30s. There was frost on the ground this morning, and Brooklyn woke up and thought it was snow outside. At breakfast, she prayed, “Thank you, God, for this wonderful gift of snow.”
- 11/13/19 – Abigail’s favorite question right now: “Who’s dat?” She uses it to mean ‘who’s that’ as well as ‘what’s that’. The other day, instead of saying “What about…?” she was saying “Whose about…?” Haha!
- Abigail has also caught onto the art of tattling and questioning Mommy. I wonder where she learned that from ;) She will now whine “Whyyyyy?” when I ask her to do something. She can also say “Brooklyn” and “Savannah” pretty well now. It comes out sounding like “Brockin” and “San-ee-uh”.
- 11/14/19 – With Travis out of town for work travel most of the last 2 weeks, Abigail has started asking “Where’s Brockin? Where’s Brockin?” after we drop Brooklyn off at school in the carline.
Thanks for reading!