friends weddings

Mollie’s Lingerie Shower

Saturday night, I had the honor of hosting a lingerie shower for Mollie, my best friend from college. Her wedding is coming up soon (this coming weekend!), so it was great to have a girls’ night before her big day.


Travis and Brooklyn got booted out of the house before everyone showed up. (They went over to Cici’s for the evening!). Even though Miss B wasn’t invited to the party, she still dressed for the occasion in her pink and zebra outfit :)

It was pretty easy to plan and decorate for the shower. I got a bunch of matching stuff at Party City, and I found some cute paper from Michael’s to make the banner and signs. I had originally thought about doing something a little more original than pink and black, but I eventually decided to just keep it simple :)




Gift table (with my one lonely gift…haha)



These flowers came from Michael’s too…they were perfect!


I had some help from a few of the other girls with the food, which made everything pretty simple on my end. I made the chicken salad croissants and prepared a fruit tray and a veggie tray. And the other girls brought the cake, punch, and a few other finger foods. Everything was delicious!




All of the food!

IMAG1568The yummy cake :)


The beautiful bride-to-be!

I didn’t take too many pictures during the shower itself, but we had fun just eating, chatting, and playing a few games. I made a “How Well Do You Know the Bride?” quiz, a Mad Libs letter of advice game (which turned out pretty funny!), and of course, we had to quiz Mollie on how well she knew Gatlan. Either I made the questions way too easy, or she knows him really, really well! (I guess that’s a good thing though since they’re getting married in a few days!). I think she only missed 4 questions out of 20. Yay Mollie! At the end of the night, she opened her gifts and got some cute stuff :)


Lots of gifts!


Mollie, I can’t believe you’re getting married in less than a week! You’re going to be a gorgeous bride :) I’m so excited for you and Gatlan!

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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