home improvement pets running

March "Madness" at the Grants’

I guess since it’s feeling like summer outside, it’s fitting that I’ve already gotten my first sunburn of the year. I just don’t think about needing to wear sunscreen in mid-March! But, we were outside all day on Saturday, and by the time I put sunscreen on, it was too late. I can’t even count the number of comments from people like “Wow, you got a lot of sun this weekend”. I even got called a “redneck”…HA! Get it? My neck was literally red. Yes, it was corny.

Friday afternoon, we got the last of the shrubs planted that we’d bought the weekend before. Now, all 12 are in the ground! It took us until it was dark outside to get finished, but at least we got it done. Of course, I didn’t contribute much other than measuring the holes, but that’s ok. I was moral support at least. I did manage to create MORE work for Travis when I was backing out of the garage to go buy more potting soil at Bennett’s. I was trying to hurry to get there before they closed, and I scraped the front left side of my car against the weatherstripping on the side of the garage opening. OOPS. The weatherstripping is now cracked and bent, and it will have to be replaced. Guess we can add that to the other projects on the to-do list. Sorry, Travis. Now he’ll have a good reason to claim he’s the better driver of the two of us!

Saturday morning was our long run. It was supposed to be 11 miles, but I quit after 9.2. I didn’t drink enough water the night before or that morning, so I was getting too dehydrated by the end. Plus it was already hot and sunny by the time we ran. Travis made it the whole 11 miles, but he had to walk a few times. My foot (the one that’s been hurting for a couple of weeks) was really bothering me the whole time, and it also hurt pretty bad on Monday when I ran, so I’m taking a week off to let it rest. I’m afraid I’ve got another stress fracture like I got in high school. Same foot and everything. But, I’m really in a bind because if I go to see a doctor, they’ll tell me not to run for 6-8 weeks I’m sure….meaning I would miss the race. Or, I’d be really out of shape if I took several weeks off in a row. But, if I keep running on it, it’s not going to get any better. So, I don’t know what to do! Maybe taking a week off will help, and I can keep running at least until the race next month.

Saturday afternoon (after we ate lunch and cooled off a bit), Travis cut the grass, and we trimmed the bushes in the backyard. It was an all afternoon affair, and he didn’t even get to cut the front yard. Whew! We were exhausted by the end of the day. Being a homeowner is a full time job! No wonder we don’t have any free time anymore…

Hydrangeas that we planted on Friday
Look how many leaves our Japanese maple tree has now!
The right flower bed is finished…for now!

As of right now, it’s supposed to be rainy on Friday and possibly Saturday too, so I’m not sure how much we’ll be able to do outside this weekend. We’d like to go ahead and buy the rock to line the flower beds with and maybe even plant some flowers too, but we’ll just have to wait and see if the weather cooperates.

By the way, we must be “regulars” at Lowe’s now because one of the employees recognized us there on Monday night and said “Back again?” Haha…we’re definitely helping them stay in business.

Well, Mom and Dad went to the lake house for a few days, and you’ll never guess what Dad found in the pontoon boat…

KITTENS!!! 5 of them! They were inside one of the seats next to a life jacket. Gabby and Felix were so excited to hear the news. They really want a little brother or sister. Sadly, Mom did some investigating and found out that they belong to a lady up the street who has lots of cats. Apparently, the momma cat likes to go off and have her babies and bring them home after a few weeks. When Mom went to go check on them the next day, the kittens were gone. So, either the lady came and got them, or the momma cat took them away. How sad! Felix and Gabby really wanted another playmate :) Oh well. One day, they’ll be getting a boxer puppy to play with…I’m sure they’ll love that!

Speaking of cats, Felix did battle with a wasp the other day. A LIVE wasp. He kept picking it up in his mouth and slinging it around. Then, he’d paw at it a few times. I think he would have eventually killed it (or gotten stung on the nose!) if Travis hadn’t come and shooed it outside. That crazy cat. He’s scared of his own shadow, but wasps and spiders don’t bother him a bit.

Well, that’s about all that’s been happening around here lately. We’re just staying crazy busy as usual!

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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