March always starts ramping back up for our family from the relative lull of January and February. This year in March, soccer practices started, and we attended my cousin’s wedding. We also took a trip over spring break with Travis’s side of the family. I will cover our spring break trip in a separate post, but here are the highlights from the rest of the month:

On March 1st, Savannah’s journal was about whether or not kids should stay home alone. It’s always interesting to read her journal entries and get a peek into what she thinks. I liked her answer that “you should only leave kids alone in the house if you can trust them.”

That afternoon, Savannah and Abigail drew a “neighborhood” with sidewalk chalk in our driveway. They were very proud and excited to show me what everything was.

That night, we had to get the girls out of bed around 9:30 pm because there was a tornado warning in our area. It’s never a good feeling when we see “Mill Creek Elementary” in the projected path on the weather broadcast. Thankfully, everything was fine, but Brooklyn put on one of the helmets we keep in the storm shelter just in case ;)

I got recruited to be on the Book Fair committee for the spring sale, which started on March 2nd. I was thankful that the school let me bring Abigail along, or else I wouldn’t have been able to commit to being there nearly as much. She was a big help using the scanner (and looking cute behind the register!).

The first week of March was a crazy week of weather. March 3rd was a virtual day of school because of the high wind warning and threat of tornadoes. I can’t remember school ever being cancelled because of a wind warning. We didn’t get any tornadoes, but for about 5 minutes, there was more wind and rain than I’ve ever seen! It was over before we knew it, but kind of scary for a few minutes. We couldn’t even see out the front windows across the street at all. It was just straight rain. Our trash can and recycling bin were blown over, and a few of our arbor vitae in the backyard were leaning afterward, but other than that, I don’t think we got any damage.

Our power went out for about 2 hours, but the girls had already done their schoolwork by then. We went on a walk with Emily and her girls down to the greenway, and it was a good chance to get out of the house. The weather was sunny and beautiful almost immediately after the storm, other than it still being pretty windy.

The girls also played some soccer in the backyard…

Savannah and Travis went on their daddy daughter date that night, and they went to Sakura to eat hibachi. They both said it was great! They were seated next to a very talkative lady and her boyfriend, who got to know them very well apparently…haha.

On March 4th, we went to the Milstead scavenger hunt, and we had a loto of fun. This year we had a better idea of what to expect for the hunt since we went last year.

Our team ended up winning the kids’ hunt! Travis and Jon went off the trail into the woods to hunt down the final treasure box, and they found it! The kids were excited to split up the candy and dollar coins inside!

The winning team! :)

March 5th was my last day to teach this sweet group of kids in the preschool class. Thankfully, I teach in the K-1 class too, so I’ll see them again when they all move up ;)

Savannah’s sweet journal from March 6th :)

Abigail was big into doing Frozen performances this month. The first one was on March 6th. Brooklyn and Savannah even got in on the action.

Savannah wrote everything she knew about skunks in her journal on March 7th…

Another afternoon spent volunteering at the book fair – Abigail enjoyed getting to know Josanne’s youngest son, Logan, who is also starting kindergarten in the fall.

The girls always enjoy when Gabriella and Mia come over after school…

On March 9th, Savannah wrote in her journal about how we can help save the earth :)

One of the moms brought doughnuts for the book fair volunteers that day, which made Abigail very happy!

She wore her sparkly Elsa dress to the book fair and got lots of compliments. She also got to scan Kate’s books at the checkout :)

She was really feeling the Elsa dress because she gave us another Frozen performance that night.

Pictures with the star of the show!

I loved the sign she made for her show! I helped her draw the outline of the characters, but she added their facial features and colored their outfits.

On March 10th, we took our lunch over to Danielle’s house and stayed for a while afterward. Abigail and Hannah had fun playing together and trying stick-on earrings :)

That night, it was finally time for Abigail’s date night! They decided to go to Jon Smith Subs, a new sub shop just a few minutes away from our house. For the second year in a row, Abigail wanted to dress up for her date. She asked if she could wear her Elsa dress again, so I said sure. I’m sure she was the most dressed up person there! Travis said she got lots of compliments. They enjoyed their sandwiches and fries, and then went to Bruster’s to get an ice cream cone for dessert. They brought it home because it was already dark outside and chilly, and Abigail fell asleep on the 5 minute drive home…haha!! Travis said the ice cream was dripping on him the whole way home, and his date was asleep in the back seat. Doesn’t get more memorable than that! ;)

While Abigail and Travis were gone, the girls and I played a board game that Savannah made.

On March 11th, I took Savannah to get a manicure at a nearby nail salon. Her first time ever! She has had a bad habit for a while now of picking the skin off her finger pads, and we’ve been trying to come up with ways to help her stop. I told her if her fingers healed up completely, I would take her to get a real manicure. She managed to finally get to that point and was excited to go to the salon. She enjoyed picking out her polish color (pink!) and getting to do something new! Sadly, it wasn’t a permanent cure for her finger picking habit, but maybe we will find the right solution soon.

Savannah loves all sports and got into Alabama basketball this season.

Alisha and I ordered a custom engraved cutting board for Michael and Lauren from Etsy as a wedding gift. I was really excited about how it turned out!

Alisha and I discovered Mat and Savannah Shaw on Facebook a few years ago. They are a father-daughter duo who sing together and went viral at the beginning of the pandemic. They’ve started touring together, and we found out they were coming to Decatur on March 18th! Tyler likes their music, but Travis wasn’t too excited ;) He came along anyway to be a good sport, and we were surprised to run into Jason and Ellen and their daughter as we were walking into the theater. Apparently their daughter is a big fan, so they drove over from Florence. It was great to see them for the first year in years!

Alisha and I accidentally wore our matching gray sweaters again…haha.

We really enjoyed the concert, even Travis ;) It was a small theater, so it was really cozy. I thought it was also neat that the rest of their family was there too. We had a great evening!

Cici has quite the fairy garden setup in her sewing room these days :) The kids enjoy playing in there most Sundays before we all eat together.

Savannah and Abigail played chess together after school on March 20th.

Ms. Kuenzli’s class got a special visit from 3 of the Huntsville Havoc hockey players on March 21st. Savannah came home excited because she got one of them to sign her water bottle :)

March is always when the spring soccer season gets rolling, so Savannah had a jamboree practice that evening.

Savannah’s journal on March 22nd was about whether it would be better to have good friends or good grades…

That afternoon, I looked up from my bible reading to find Abigail “reading” her own book on the coffee table :)

The girls had dental cleanings after school, and this was our first time to see their dentist’s new office. They enjoyed the fun and spacious waiting room.

One thing I hope I always remember is watching the girls purposefully ride through puddles on their bicycles. Such a simple but sweet part of childhood!

The girls made a “Get to Know You” survey for their Millstone Newspaper subscribers, and I got a kick out of Travis’s detailed answers. You can tell he’s an engineer just by reading it…haha

We drove down to Trussville on March 25th for a day trip. My cousin, Rob, had the nerve to get married on our aunt Gale’s 70th birthday…haha…so we celebrated her birthday first before going to the wedding that evening. We realized while we were changing clothes and getting everyone ready that Travis had forgotten to grab his bag at home with his dress shoes, socks, and undershirt in it. The main issue was obviously the shoes! Dad had an extra “pair” of shoes but his feet are different sizes. So Travis tried squeezing his foot into a size 8.5 shoe, but I told him that was a terrible idea since he was supposed to run a half marathon the very next Saturday! He also tried on Dad’s black water shoes, which fit better, but looked awful. I told him I’d leave him in the car if he wore those. So we ended up running by Rack Room Shoes and buying the cheapest pair of size 12 black dress shoes they had…haha. Made for a funny story after the fact!

The wedding was beautiful, and the reception was a lot of fun. We all thought the food was delicious, especially the cake and ice cream ;) We haven’t spent too much time around Rachel, but she and Rob seem like a great match and are so happy when they are together.

Abigail thought Rachel looked like a real life princess, so we had to get a quick picture before we left. It was a late night getting home (about 10:30 pm), but the girls did great!!

The weather was nice on March 27th, so we went down to the greenway after supper. The girls never tire of playing in and around the creek there.

I thought this card that Brooklyn made for Travis was really sweet on a day when he wasn’t feeling well.

We hadn’t been to storytime at the public library in a long time, so Abigail and I decided to go on March 28th.

Savannah was happy to be on Coach’s MJ’s team again for the spring season!

Sometimes the girls like to walk home from school in the grass along the fence instead of on the path.

Gabby is my evening snuggle buddy on the couch most nights :)

Savannah and Abigail made up a game in the backyard that involved kicking the soccer ball and knocking over cones. Similar to bowling, I guess!

Gabby also enjoys snuggling with Brooklyn…
March Notes and Quotes:
- 3/5/23 – Abigail (looking out the car window): “Daddy, I see a tiny airplane! It’s so small I could swallow it! It’s so small I wouldn’t even have to chew it!!”
- 3/24/23 – Abigail is starting to say her own prayers before breakfast ad lunch silently instead of saying them out loud. This morning, after her silent prayer, she said, “As soon as I finished saying the things in my mind, I couldn’t think of them anymore! They just blowed out of my mind!!”
- 3/31/23 – Abigail was serving me some pretend food, and she announced, “The food does NOT go in the trash after you’re done. You can re-eat it if someone else wants to taste that little bite that you had.”
- 3/31/23 – Abigail: “No one is allowed to call me nicknames.” Daddy: “But I love the name Peapoddy!” Abigail: “I’ll call the police!!” Haha!
Thanks for reading!!