Brooklyn Savannah

Lots of Firsts!

We’ve stayed pretty busy over the last couple of weeks. I’ve made it a priority to get the girls outside the enjoy the nice fall weather before it gets too cold. I know when it’s January and February we’ll probably be going stir crazy inside! Savannah has gotten to do a lot of things for the first time lately, so here is my best attempt at documenting those “firsts” along with some other stuff…

First bath in the big bathtub: 11/7/15


Up until a couple of weeks ago, I’d been bathing Savannah in her infant bathtub in our kitchen sink. But she was starting to get too wiggly for that tub! Water would get everywhere, and she didn’t want to sit still. She was more interested in grabbing the soap and scrubber brush than anything! Now that she can sit up well, baths are much easier! And, of course, Brooklyn wanted to be a big helper while Sister was using “her” tub :)


These bath seats are technically not sold anymore, but they are perfectly safe as long as you are right beside the baby. I feel better with her sitting in this than just sitting directly in the tub itself. She seemed to enjoy being in the big tub!

First Sister Bath: 11/17/15


Brooklyn was so excited about Savannah taking a bath with her! She liked finding toys for Savannah to play with and trying to make her laugh :)


I was a little worried that Brooklyn would be too rough or splash too much while they were taking their bath together, but it went great. I’m sure this will become a regular thing in the future! It’ll be nice to be able to knock out both of their baths at the same time ;)

First Time to Swing at the Playground: 11/10/15


We’ve been to 4 different playgrounds in the past 2 weeks! This was at Creekwood one sunny morning after we made a quick trip to Bridge Street. Savannah smiled a couple of times while she was swinging, but she didn’t just love it. I’m sure she’ll be more interested as she gets older :)


At least swinging was better than staying in my stroller the whole time, Mom!



It’s fun to swing together!


Brooklyn enjoyed the slides and other fun stuff that day too :)


Brooklyn also made friends with some other kids that were there. She is definitely not shy about playing with kids she doesn’t know. It was funny…I overheard her telling some of them, “WATCH OUT! There’s a ladybug!” Those ladybugs will get ya ;)

First Food that Savannah Really Seemed to Like: Apple


She is finally getting the hang of eating from the spoon! Apple was the first food that she didn’t make a horrible face when she tasted it :) She has since eaten sweet potato/apricot and rice cereal and done well with those too. Yay!

First Time to Ride in the Wagon: 11/16/15


I wasn’t sure how well Savannah would be able to sit in the wagon while it was moving since the wagon just has a buckle across the lap, but she did great! I pulled them down the street and around the cul-de-sac and back. Brooklyn didn’t want to come back home! ;)


But, getting the chance to pull Sister around by herself was a big hit for B! It was a bit of a jerky ride for Sister, but she didn’t mind too much :) She’s pretty “go-with-the-flow” these days, unless she’s in need of a nap ;)


Yay Savannah! I foresee lots of wagon rides in our future :)

First Time to Sit in the Fun Grocery Cart: 11/19/15


Brooklyn got to ride in this type of cart at Publix by herself a few weeks ago when it was just the two of us shopping. Ever since, she’s been asking to ride it again, but it just wasn’t feasible with Savannah along. But, now that she’s sitting up so well, I decided to give it a try!


It was interesting to see them interact with each other in a confined space like that. This wasn’t a quick shopping trip; I had a pretty long list of things to buy. So, Savannah kept trying to swipe Brooklyn’s snack cup and sippy cup the whole time :) Brooklyn didn’t know how to react to that; she kept saying “No, No, Sister! No, no!” So, I spent more time policing the two of them than I normally had to do on previous shopping trips. But, it’s just something Brooklyn will have to get used to! Savannah is getting into that super curious stage and just wants to grab EVERYTHING!

First Time to Walk the Galaxy of Lights: 11/20/15


This was Savannah’s first trip to the Galaxy of Lights ever (obviously), but for the rest of us, it was our first walking trip. Walking is definitely the way to do it! You can take your time and see so much more, especially with little kids. We went Friday night after I got off work, and I think the rest of the city had the same idea. It was packed!! And COLD! We had the girls bundled up, so hopefully they didn’t get too cold :)


Brooklyn loved looking at all the displays! And Savannah was just chatting away in the back seat (“Yah, yah, yah, yah”) – I think she liked it too!


Her favorite was the penguins sliding down into the water…she just laughed and laughed at that!


They were both still smiling at the end of the walk even though it was past bedtime. We had a fun time! Hopefully next year we can get there right when they open and avoid the long line to park! We were hoping to see Santa while we were there, but there was a long line for that too, so we decided to skip it. We’ll have to see him somewhere else this season ;)

Other Pictures from the Past Few Weeks: 


Brooklyn LOVES to play with Savannah these days! It’s really sweet. Whenever she sees Savannah sitting, she brings the big tub of blocks over and dumps them all out in front of her to play. Savannah is never lacking for something to play with! ;)

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Brooklyn loves to build “roads” with her blocks. This was one of her creations recently :)


I made gumbo for the LSU game. It’s usually just a once-a-year thing…Travis loves it! Brooklyn doesn’t really care for it, but maybe she’ll grow up to love it like he does :)


One morning Savannah just couldn’t stay awake any longer while I was drying my hair ;)


I worked on Veteran’s Day while Travis was off, and that afternoon I got to go to the grocery store ALL.BY.MYSELF! Look at that empty cart with room for my purse, shopping list, and coupons! It was almost surreal…haha


We went to Kid’s Kingdom (the playground at Dublin Park) one day last week after going for a quick visit to the eye doctor. Rory and Scott Crafts happened to be there at the same time, so Rory and Brooklyn played together for about an hour. They had a lot of fun!


This bridge is always a favorite!




Sister snuggles are the best!


Carter turned ONE on the 12th…it’s hard to believe! His birthday party was last Saturday, and it turned out really cute. I didn’t get pictures of everything, but Alisha did an airplane theme that turned out great.


He got SO many presents!! He will be set with toys for months to come ;)


Aunt Melissa held Savannah almost the whole party. I think they both enjoyed the snuggles :)


Nothing better than eating a big bowl of popcorn with Daddy!


I need to get a better picture of Brooklyn wearing this dress, but I love it!


Brooklyn made a ninja mask at the library one day recently. They always do a craft at the end of story time, so this was the craft that day. Apparently she can’t say the word “ninja” though…it comes out “engine” instead. So, here she is wearing her “engine” mask ;)


Brooklyn let me put her hair in pigtails recently, which is a pretty difficult task. It requires her to sit still and not wiggle around—hard for a toddler! Plus, her hair is really hard to work with. It’s so fine and thin that it just falls out of my hands. Hopefully as it grows it will get easier :)


More Sister snuggles


Sister sat and played in the hall while Brooklyn got her bath Wednesday afternoon before supper. I love this age…she will sit on the floor and play, but she isn’t really “mobile” yet. I need to enjoy it while it lasts!


We went to the playground in Athens with Jessica, Baker, and Everett last week, and it was perfect weather to be outside. The kids enjoyed running around together…


…even if you can’t tell it from this picture!


Finally ordered the new bedding for our KING size mattress! It’s bright and colorful and I love it :) It makes our room so happy and cheerful! Now we just need a dust ruffle, and the bed will be complete!


Can you tell Brooklyn loves her sister?

I’ll end this post with “Brooklyn Says”:

  • “So, how was your day???” – it’s really funny to hear your 2 year old ask you this, especially at 9 or 10 AM…
  • “You can’t just take things from people when they have stuff.” – now why doesn’t this apply to her??? 
  • “I think we need to slow down. We don’t want to “prash” (crash).” – she told me this on the way to the eye doctor one day! 
  • Brooklyn picks up the “telephone” on her play kitchen: “Hello Rae Rae. Well, I’ve been calling for a while now. I ‘pologize. Would you come out in the rain? Okay, bye.” I just died laughing! 
  • I took Brooklyn’s clothes and diaper off before her bath and was holding her and giving her a big hug before I put her in the tub. She asked, “Can I get in the tub now?” I said, “You don’t like me to hold you?” Her reply: “I don’t want to have an accident on you.” Haha…thank you for being so considerate! ;)
  • One of her new favorite movies is 101 Dalmatians: “Do you know the name of the bad guys?” Horace and Jasper. “They’re not nice. They’re mean ones. They spilled (“steal”) the puppies.”
  • Brooklyn knows that Daddy “works on helicopters” when he goes to work. Sometimes she will say, “One day, I will work on airplanes!”

And one random memory – We were outside one afternoon, and Brooklyn was throwing a big pink ball into the air and trying to catch it out in our driveway. Savannah thought that was hilarious. I’ve never heard her laugh so much. I wish I’d gotten a video!

We’re having fun around here these days! They are filled with chaos and craziness sometimes, but (most of the time) I wouldn’t want it any other way :)


By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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