It’s time for another roundup of the girls’ artwork–this time from approximately July to December of 2023. Abigail is in the phase where she is drawing SO much every day, so I have more of her artwork saved than the other girls’. But I tried to take pictures of my favorites from all 3. Here they are!

“World’s Best Mom” – I thought this one was so sweet!

Brooklyn drew this polar bear for Savannah since it’s her favorite animal!

She also drew this yellow tulip for Savannah :)

This is a picture of Travis watching football on Saturdays :)

Veterans Day artwork

I loved my birthday card!

“Behold…Daddyio!” – sometimes there’s no telling what goes through her head…haha

Every once in a while, Brooklyn will declare that it’s Sister Day. One of those times, she even made a special sign for it.

I think this was something she did at school where she was supposed to draw her favorite things inside the snowflake. I thought she did a good job representing many of the things she loves!

Brooklyn has also really gotten into using Canva lately and wanted to make her own Christmas card on it :)

I liked this smiling ice cream cone that Savannah drew!

Savannah’s artwork is getting so good that I have a hard time telling it apart from Brooklyn’s sometimes. Loved this gray cat!

Self portrait :)

Another ice cream cone…

Zentangle art

Kitty cat sitting in front of a window :)

“Happy fall” picture that Savannah drew for her teacher

Veterans Day artwork

I think Savannah made this in art class at school…it’s called a mola.

So sweet!

This one melted my heart! It’s a picture of Savannah and me :)

I liked this haunted house artwork that opens up to show the inside. Very creative!
Because Abigail has been drawing SO much lately, I’m going to try to organize some of her artwork into slideshows. Here are some pictures of people that she drew :)
Lots of animals: an octopus, several cats, kangaroo, monkeys, butterfly, turtle, and tiger!

Person standing outside of a house

Loved this flower! It’s also neat to see how her handwriting improved over the course of a few months.

“Mrs. Curry is my best friend. Mrs. Curry is a good teacher.” :)
Halloween-themed artwork

I liked how colorful this drawing was!

Abigail drew this butterfly with a question for me to answer: “Why do you like butterflies?” :)

“Abigail loves butterflies”

I think this is supposed to be a bird in the ocean carrying its baby?

I liked the balloons in this one!

“Abigail loves to fish. One time Abigail caught a fish.” :)

“Abigail loves B (Brooklyn)”

I had to include this for posterity even though it’s not really artwork. Abigail went through a phase where when she was mad at me for getting onto her about something, she would leave notes like this for me. This one says “Grumpy Mommy. I want a new mommy.” Haha! She hasn’t gotten one yet, so I guess she’s stuck with me ;)

I loved this giraffe with all of the labels for its different body parts: face, nose, dots, leg, and tail :)
Christmas artwork

The zoo!

“Bunny boat” :)

I think this is a picture of Abigail playing soccer since her jersey number is 3…

Another drawing with a question: “What can unicorns do?”

“I love all my friends. I love you all the time.” :)

A cupcake with lots of icing!

Loved these flowers!

Abigail drew this picture of Savannah playing basketball, and Savannah helped her make the scoreboard :)

“The fish dodged the wave. Hooray for fish!”
That’s it! Thanks for reading!!