I find it so fascinating to see how the girls’ artwork changes and evolves over the years. Brooklyn is drawing less these days than she used to, although she still enjoys it. She really likes making posters, signs, lists, and incorporating writing into her artwork. Savannah seems to be drawing more these days than Brooklyn and now that she is learning to write, she is also writing stories and labeling some of her artwork as well. Here are some of my favorites from July to December of last year…

A blue lion

I think this is a drawing of balloons?

For a while, Brooklyn got on a kick of drawing heart-shaped animals. Here is her heart-shaped cat :)

I liked this pink horse…

…and this snowman!

I think these are supposed to be pineapples? :)

Another lion…still one of her favorite things to draw

I liked the tree and gift in this Christmas picture


Brooklyn did this directed drawing of a jaguar based on a YouTube video she watched, and I thought she did a great job!

She also did this directed drawing of a piece of smiling toast :)

Heart-shaped lion :)

Abstract art :)

Not sure what this one is supposed to be, but she definitely made it colorful!

Pot of gold at the end of the rainbow :)

Fruit trees and a colorful car :)

Brooklyn tried this drawing based off an art book. I think the point was to drawing the animals in one stroke without picking up your pencil.

Happy school :)

“Art is awesome” :)

Brooklyn said this is a drawing of Carter and her :)

Another directed drawing of a cherry blossom tree

I liked this directed drawing of a milkshake too!

Doughnut with sprinkles…one of Brooklyn’s favorite treats!

I guess this is a cross between Earth and Saturn ;)

I remember Brooklyn looking at our cat, Gabby, as she was sitting on the living room rug and drawing this sketch of her. I thought it was pretty accurate because she always has her tail tucked like that :)

I put this drawing in a recent post, but I loved this diagram of a helicopter that Brooklyn drew for Daddy. If only it were that simple to design! ;) We framed it, and he put it in his office at work.

Brooklyn drew this during a Sunday worship service last year, and I found it in her notebook. I liked all the bright colors :)

I remember for a long time how Brooklyn drew a rainbow on almost every picture she made, and now Savannah is drawing them a lot too ;)

She also likes to draw butterflies!

I loved this cute little octopus :)

Two cats and a happy sun…

I liked these cups of lemonade that Savannah drew…

A maze for Simba :)

I loved this bald eagle that Savannah drew!

A plate of food…

Savannah draws a lot of lions and tigers just like Brooklyn ;)

A cute little (flying?) bunny holding a carrot :)

I think Savannah traced this picture off of one of her Pete the Cat books. I thought it turned out cute!

Savannah’s version of a cherry blossom tree

It took Savannah a while to get her “S” turned around the right way every time. Loved this little bird!

Such a cute whale!

A spooky haunted house ;)

Savannah drew this picture of her stuffed animal cheetah named Fastey

She started writing sentences after a few months of kindergarten!

I liked all these pawprints :)

I liked the sun’s red rosy cheeks in this picture…

Our family – Savannah is always good about making sure she gets everyone’s eye color correct…she’s our only blue eyed family member!

“Parts of a cat” – nose, eye, eat, leg, tail…
That’s all! Thanks for reading!