Abigail Brooklyn Savannah

Kids’ Artwork: First Half of 2022

All three of the girls love to draw! We can’t save everything, so I try to take pictures of my favorites so that we can remember their artwork later at least. Here are some of the things they’ve drawn from January to June:


It wouldn’t be an artwork update without a lion picture from my biggest girl ;) Brooklyn isn’t drawing as much as she used to, but she still loves lions!

Brooklyn drew this picture of Cici’s bunnies, Lance and Luna.

Based on her handwriting, I think this picture may actually be from 2021, but she brought it out from her room, and I’d never seen it before. I thought it was so creative–a picture of a trampoline that takes you back in time :)

She made this poster all about lions too…

Brooklyn enjoys sketching with a pen or pencil, and I found this drawing in her church notebook.

Here’s another similar one!

Brooklyn said this is a picture of a robot that will take care of your pet for you. We need one of those!

Brooklyn enjoys playing Chess Kids on the computer :)

Brooklyn made this at school in art class! It’s a girl with wild and colorful hair :)

She also made this pumpkin in art class!


Savannah and her classmates did tons of directed drawings in Mrs. Pride’s class last year. It’s hard to not want to share them all! Here is an astronaut she drew.

Savannah has followed in her big sister’s footsteps and learned to draw lions too ;)

I asked Savannah how she knew how to draw the lines to make it look like the bunny was jumping, and she shrugged and said, “I just did!”

Loved this dog at the beach!

Savannah and Abigail :)

Family picture, including Gabby

Savannah made some really thoughtful birthday cards for Brooklyn’s birthday…

Surfer girl!

Encanto was a hit at our house when we watched it for the first time earlier this year :)

Different sized people :)

Savannah drew and painted these colorful birds in art class at school, and I thought they were the cutest!

Alabama basketball player

Savannah got on a roll making up her own recipes with pictures. Very fitting since she wants to be a baker one day!

Savannah was thrilled to study polar bears in Mrs. Pride’s class. I thought her directed drawing turned out so cute!

The Cat in the Hat :)

I’m pretty sure Savannah doesn’t even know who Charlie Brown and Snoopy are…haha

I thought this koala was super cute :)

Fly Guy

Loved this amazing artist drawing!

The three little pigs :)

I thought Savannah did a great job on this scuba diver!

Baby Yoda ;)

Cute little dragonfly

She learned about alligators and crocodiles at school! Not sure which one is in the drawing?

What a cute ant!

Savannah drew this picture at home of Stripey Monkey….her sock monkey that is literally falling apart. Cici has sewn him back together multiple times ;) She did a great job drawing his different colors!

This is picture that Savannah drew of the floor lamp in our living room that sits in front of the window. She sat in front of it and drew it just by looking at it. I was impressed!

She also drew this picture of Gabby just by sitting and looking at her. I thought it turned out great! She has really come a long way with her artwork.


I think Abigail said this was supposed to be a snowman with hair ;)

She is working on writing some of her letters. Her drawings of cats are also becoming more recognizable :)

A lion!

“A dragonfly” :)

This is a drawing of Savannah, Brooklyn, and Abigail. If you look closely, you can see the S, B, and A on their shirts ;)

Loved the rainbow in this one!

The common theme in Abigail’s artwork from early 2022 is cats and people with heart-shaped heads :)

I saved my favorite for last. Abigail drew a picture of Pete the Cat and copied his name from a book in her room. I was so impressed!

Thanks for reading!

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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