Here we go with some of my favorite things that the girls drew over the first half of 2021. Brooklyn is definitely drawing less and writing more these days, so she has way less than Savannah to share. Abigail was moving past just scribbles and starting to draw things that were legible at this point. I love seeing their creations, and taking pictures of them allows me to remember them without having to store everything–because we definitely don’t have room to keep it all, unfortunately!

Brooklyn drew this picture of Mrs. Borys :) I didn’t remember her wearing glasses last year, but maybe she did and I just didn’t realize it.

Loved this leprechaun!

It wouldn’t be an art recap of Brooklyn’s without a picture of a lion or tiger ;)

Brooklyn did several of these art pieces at school, including this one! I guess she named her bunny Alexa?

This was one of my favorites–a girl with a colorful raincoat standing under a colorful umbrella in the rain. Brooklyn said she drew this one in art class at school.

This is a drawing of some of the girls’ stuffed animal dogs…

Brooklyn went through a phase where she drew big heads with little bodies, and I loved that. So cute!

Bolt from the Disney movie :)

Brooklyn drew this when Travis was running last year in preparation for a half marathon. (He didn’t end up running the race because he hurt his Achilles, but I still thought the picture was sweet).

Lion King? :)

Brooklyn said this was Mace Windu from Star Wars :)

Beware of Darth Vader…

Brooklyn made this one with dot markers :)

I liked this leprechaun with the pot of gold :)

Another leprechaun

A lion playing with the sun

I loved this penguin!

Savannah wants to be a baker when she grows up, so this is her drawing of her future bakery!

A polar bear in the snow

“Everything that I need to learn about dogs – leash, food, walks, playing, fetching” :)

Darth Vader :)

Savannah made this birthday card for Brooklyn – it said “You are a Jedi.”

Savannah said this was a picture of a school…

Colorful popsicles :)

Savannah, Carter, and her friend, Caroline, from school

Savannah drew this picture for Rae Rae :)

LOVED this family portrait!!

A cute picture for Charlie, Paw and Rae Rae’s dog

Savannah drew this for Abigail…

Savannah drew this picture of her stuffed animal dog named Christmas

A scary dragon

Savannah used a step by step drawing book to help her draw this alligator!

A monster named Max

Savannah drew this for Daddy when he was training for the race…

Stuffed animal “animal kingdom”

Savannah drew this polar bear in Mrs. Curry’s class :)

Cheetah, lion, and tiger

Ladybug, bee, spider, mosquito, and ant

Toothless and another dragon

Savannah made so many cute crafts at school that I wanted to get pictures of too. This one says: “If I lived in a snowglobe, I would go sledding.”

George Washington and Abraham Lincoln

“I think Martin Luther King, Jr. helped people be kind.”

Savannah’s 2021 resolution: “I want to get better at riding my bike.” Spoiler alert: she did!!

Savannah made this for the 100th day of school. It says: “When I am 100, I will be very, very old! I’ll probably sit in a chair.” :)

This was one of my absolute favorites! It says: “Connected hearts…you are connected to me.”

And on the back, it said: “I love everyone in my family.”

A heart castle picture for Mommy

One of the first times Abigail drew smiley faces!

One of us is tall and skinny and the other is short and stumpy ;)
Thanks for reading!