Brooklyn Savannah

Kids’ Artwork – First Half of 2019

There’s no way we could save all of the artwork that our girls churn out on a weekly basis, so I’ve resorted to taking pictures of my favorites, saving a few, and recycling the rest. Here are some of my favorites from January to June of this year.


Brooklyn made Valentine cards for some of her friends in her kindergarten class :)

I loved this butterfly!

Brooklyn made Savannah her very own Bible :)

It says: “God made everything. God made Savannah.”

The other page says: “God made the whole world.” So sweet!

A robot :)

“Daddy, you have been very naughty today. Daddy naughty list” Haha!

The Grinch and Max (his dog)

Butterfly, caterpillar, and ice cream cone

Brooklyn and her unicorn :)

Brooklyn painted this unicorn at Victoria’s birthday party :)

Another Grinch and Max picture!

Wild Kratts (one of their favorite TV shows on PBS)

“Thank you, Mommy and Daddy”

Brooklyn picking berries from a “berry tree”

“Brooklyn and Mommy standing on the clouds under a rainbow”

“Hearts flying with a unicorn”

I think this is supposed to be Lion King with Rafiki holding up Simba on Pride Rock…and a giraffe with a really long neck watching from the ground :)

This is supposed to be a picture of Ms. Patterson and her kindergarten class :)

Brooklyn colored this Valentine’s Day card for me at school :)

Inside of the card

As you can tell, Brooklyn loves to draw unicorns!

Lightning storm

Brooklyn and a flying horse

“A wise family of cats that lived a long time ago when Scar and Mufasa were in the clouds”

“Brooklyn’s fingers counting down” :)

A galloping horse!

Combination math & art! ;)

Brooklyn walking

I like how the heart is wearing sunglasses :)

“A cat that raised a puppy and kitten”

The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

St. Patrick’s Day!

I LOVE the happy flower and the fact that she drew shoelaces on the shoes :)

Artwork for Simba (her stuffed animal)

She made this one for Snowballs, another stuffed animal…

This one was for our cat, Gabby :)

She made this one for Brownie, one of her favorite stuffed animals…

“Savannah was being unfair to me, and that made me sad. Will you be nice tomorrow? Savannah was bad.”

Finger painting fun :)

Mufasa and Simba walking

Brooklyn drew this Cat in the Hat picture at school during Dr. Seuss week…I was blown away at how well she did!

“A family of cats living in a rainbow house”

Brooklyn likes to draw heart-shaped cats…she calls them “cat hearts”!

The Easter Bunny :)

Strawberries, kiwi, apples, watermelon, tomatoes, and oranges!

“Someone yelling”

Gingerbread girl (I like how it’s to and from Brooklyn…haha)

Love this pretty purple flower!

No Noggin at Halloween (from a Curious George Halloween movie)

Brooklyn drew this one for Ms. Penny, her favorite lunch lady at school :) She told me last year that she always tried to get in Ms. Penny’s line when she bought her lunch.

“Dear Savannah…I love you”

“Dear Mommy and Daddy, I love what you got me and Savannah so much. Thank you.” Brooklyn wrote us this card and put it on my nightstand after I had given her a pack of cards from the Dollar Spot at Target :)

When it was getting close to Savannah’s birthday, Brooklyn decided that she needed to make a new birthday list too…even though her next birthday was 10 months away! ;)

Berenstain bears :)

“Cats living in a rainbow”

The Lorax (a Dr. Seuss movie)

I liked this picture of a rocket ship blasting off into outer space. The little pink thing is a smiling alien :)

“Daddy being cranky”

“Brooklyn and Carter exploring a flower heart”

Brooklyn didn’t finish this picture of Pride Rock and Simba, but I thought it was cute anyway!

She wanted to draw her own maze for me :)

Another outer space picture!

A farmer growing vegetables

Math + art :)

Are you noticing a theme? She loves rainbows, unicorns, outer space, and animals :)

I think this is my favorite family portrait that Brooklyn has drawn to date. I love how she included Felix, and Abigail is wearing a little hairbow :)

Balloon family :)

Birthday cake!

A dinosaur


Savannah made me a sweet card…I love her rectangle people! :)

She is starting to draw things like the sun, clouds, rain, and grass!

That brown thing with green dots up in the sky is a tree :)

Chocolate chip cookie :)

Lots of rain!

A house!

A firefighter putting out a fire

This is a drawing of a car that Savannah made for Daddy!

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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