
Job Potential

Rae Rae got me this t-shirt when she went to Washington D.C. last time…


…and it made me think!


I think I’d make a pretty good President one day, don’t you?


I’m spirited and full of personality! Presidents need to be able to get along with all sorts of people, and I know how to do just that. I’m even friends with the kitty cats at my house…


Also, I’m always on the go, just like the President is! I rarely sit still; there’s always something that needs to be done. Tupperware needs to be taken out of the drawer. The dishes need to be unloaded from the dishwasher. Messes need to be made. If it needs to be done, you can count on me!


I’m even willing to wake up in the middle of night (sometimes more than once!) when I feel like it’s necessary. Presidents don’t get a lot of sleep, and I bet I’d handle that just fine.


So vote for me, Brooklyn Reese Grant, in 2048!

I know I could handle the job :)

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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