family lessons learned work

I’m happy today, oh yes I’m happy today :)

It’s Wednesday already! We’ve had a pretty good week so far. Last weekend we went to Trussville to hang out with my parents. It was great to see them! We also got to see Gran, Dadaw, and Granny for a little while Saturday afternoon, so that was really nice. Bo (Jenn’s dog) is just as goofy as ever. Mom has been redecorating practically the whole house, and we hadn’t been there since April to see any of it, but it all looks great! The living room especially looks totally different…in a good way. Whenever we buy a house, I’m hiring Mom to do my decorating :)

This week I worked Monday for 4 hours, and it was a total waste of time…haha. They really didn’t even need me, but oh well. At least I got paid for it. I may work tomorrow (if they need me), and I’m definitely working Friday 6A-6P. Travis’s Friday off is this week, so he’s looking forward to that. He’s stayed up late every night this week trying to help me get my new phone set up. That thing is so complicated! I think we finally got my email on there the way I want it, so that’s progress at least.

A not-so-funny-but sort-of-anyway thing happened on our way back from Trussville on Sunday. Well, we actually didn’t realize it until we were about to go to bed Sunday night. Travis and I are now both sleeping in retainers because we grind our teeth according to the dentist. I just got mine a couple of weeks ago….it’s a plastic mold that fits over my bottom teeth. Well, Travis (like a good patient) took his to Trussville this weekend, but I left mine here accidentally. We unpacked all our stuff Sunday night, and Travis grabbed his retainer to put it in for the night because we were about to go to sleep. He put it in his mouth….and it didn’t fit. At first, we thought he’d grabbed mine by accident. But, I got mine out of the nightstand and put it in….and he had the right one….it had just shrunk! We turned on the light so we could see…and it really had shrunk! It looked like it had been made for an 8 year old’s mouth! It must have happened on the way back to Huntsville Sunday afternoon, but he wore it Saturday night and it fit fine. The car was pretty hot when we first got in it, but we were only in it for 2 hours. You wouldn’t think that would be long enough to melt a retainer and change its shape. Oh well! So, Travis called yesterday and made an appointment for this afternoon. I’m afraid they’re going to say he needs a whole new retainer…and they cost like $400….eek.

Moral of the story…don’t travel with your plastic retainer when it’s 100 degrees outside apparently.

I did good with my Publix trip yesterday. I got a lot of great deals! I spent more than I usually spend every week ($88), but I saved $71, so that was pretty good. I also found (for the FIRST time) coupon booklets in the store!!!!! They never have any when I look, and yesterday I found two different ones. Yay!!!!

Travis’s left hip has really been bothering him for the past couple of weeks. It usually feels ok in the mornings, but by the end of the day he’s limping on it pretty bad. If it doesn’t get better soon, he’s going to have to go the doctor about it. He’s not sure what caused it, but hopefully it’s nothing serious.

That’s about all the news around here that I can think of. Hope you’re having a fabulous week! :)

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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