
Hurricane B

What was life like before we had an almost-1-year-old making messes and getting into everything?? I almost can’t remember that “old” life…except that it was much less exciting. Things actually stayed where we put them! :)


Seems like nothing is in a safe zone anymore unless it’s over 3 feet off the ground or in a locked cabinet. There have been several near misses where Brooklyn has tried to grab a drink off the end table in the living room. Luckily, we caught her before it turned into a disaster.


Brooklyn is pulling up with ease these days. It sure didn’t take long for her to get good at it! She has also figured out how to squat back down after standing, which is very useful (for us and her!).


I can get down without falling!

Before she figured out how to get down, she would get angry after a few minutes of standing. She was stuck standing up! :) One day last week, she decided it would be more fun to stand up in her crib than take a nap. Check it out…

Bath time is always a fun time. She loves to “catch” the water coming out of the faucet…


This stuff is so slippery!


Hehe :)

Yesterday while taking a bath, B decided it would be a good time to poop. Yep, in the tub. Why must we have so many stories that involve poop??? So that was fun. Surprisingly, that was the first incident like that in the tub….and hopefully it will be the last :)


For some reason, she loves my bright yellow sweater in the closet. Tugging on it is so fun! Next time I wear it, the right sleeve will probably be a foot longer than the left :)


“What are you lookin’ at?”


A cutie like this surely wouldn’t get into any mischief…

Travis kept Brooklyn on Monday while I was at work since he was off for MLK day. He said he watched her crawl into her room, start pulling stuff out of a bag, find a bag of Cheerios, and start shaking the bag until it opened. Cheerios were flying everywhere. Then she proceeded to crawl around and eat them off the floor! What a smart little girl :)


I can be helpful! Here, I’m helping my daddy put the DVDs back in place. Wonder who took them out in the first place?? :)

P.S. Don’t tell my daddy, but I’ve taken them out several times since then, and Mommy hasn’t been putting them back in alphabetical order. How many days will it take him to notice? :)


I’m very interested in this mopping contraption. It makes a cool noise and slides across the floor. It makes me laugh when I see it coming…


Somebody tell my mommy and daddy that these PJs are too long! It’s hard for me to stand up when my footies drag the ground!!


I love to check out what’s in the kitchen cabinets…


…and the pantry!


Hey, look what I found!! These plastic baggies are so much fun to pull out of the box…


Brooklyn, it will be a monumental day for all of us when you learn how to put things away that you take out. Until then, we’ll keep cleaning up the messes and wondering how one baby can get into so much mischief! :)

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

4 replies on “Hurricane B”

That picture of her squating by the coffee table looks like there is a green halo above her head! Gotta love that sweet angel! And not to discourage you but I’m still waiting on that monumental day that my kids put things away after they are done with them! But we still love them!

Haha…I didn’t even notice that until you said it. How fitting! And I guess a mom can dream about things being put away, right? :)

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