We packed a good bit of fun into the month of July, so I’m going to split it up into two posts. This one will cover what we did during the first half of the month:

We have been SLOWLY getting the playroom decorated to match the Hungry Little Caterpillar themed curtains and color scheme. Cici painted this chalkboard and letters for us to hang next to the grocery market up there. I thought it would be fun to let Brooklyn decide what to write on the sign…and how much everything would cost. Some of the prices are definitely like highway robbery! ;)

The girls enjoyed playing outside after supper on July 1st…

Brooklyn and Savannah wanted to play soccer, so we practiced dribbling across the backyard. Right now, it’s a bit of a challenge with such little grass, but we are eyeing a backyard renovation starting in the spring…so I am already looking forward to that!

“Red light! Green light!”

Playtime at the coffee table – Abigail enjoys stacking Magna Tiles :)

Silly girls at snack time

We love apple slices!

Meanwhile, someone who “wasn’t tired” fell asleep during quiet time on her nicely made bed…haha

Sister snuggles on July 3rd :)

These two definitely favor I think!

Always racing around the house – the layout of our downstairs is perfect for doing laps ;)

4th of July…all dressed and ready to head to the lake!

Love these girls so much!

One of the first things we did when we got to the lake house was decorate the flag pie/eat strawberries and blueberries/lick the Cool Whip bowl :)

Between Father’s Day and July 4th, Paw and Rae Rae got a new swim dock and a slide! Brooklyn couldn’t wait to go down it :)

So much fun!

Savannah was a little more hesitant ;) I’m pretty sure she went down the slide once, and once was enough for her.

This girl joined us after her nap and was happy to hang out on the boat :)

She loves water bottles!

I lost count of how many times Brooklyn went down the new slide :)

Babies eating watermelon = just about the cutest thing ever!

“Hey Brooklyn…watch this!!”

Superwoman or belly flop?? :)

On this lake trip, Abigail really started to get interested in wearing Savannah’s pink Crocs…

July 5th – blowing bubbles in our PJs :)

Time for more swimming later that morning! Abigail enjoyed floating and splashing and didn’t mind her life jacket :)

Brooklyn played HARD while we were there! She practiced her cannonballs…

…and all kinds of other jumps too!

We ate lunch on the dock…

…and everyone enjoyed it!

The girls both enjoyed riding on the jet ski with Rae Rae :)

Abigail even took a nice, long nap on the boat that afternoon :) Nothing like the gentle rocking back-and-forth to put you straight to sleep…

Paw and Rae Rae recently replaced the kitchen windows at the lake house, and the view of the water is so nice now!

That night, we took the boat down to watch the fireworks near Triple Creek Marina. I think it was the girls’ first time to be on the boat at nighttime.

The girls were all excited to stay up late and wear their PJs on the boat :)

Abigail didn’t get a huge kick out of the fireworks this year, but she still did well and enjoyed the ride.

If you’ve never watched fireworks from a boat, there is nothing like it! So pretty!! It was a great night!!

The next day (July 6th), we had a little more swim time before we needed to head home. It was a great holiday weekend!

Abigail has started socializing after church a little bit, and it’s so cute to see!

On July 8th, we headed to the Raleys’ house for a playdate. We rarely get together these days with kids in school and them living further away now, but we always enjoy getting together when we are able to make it happen!

They have so much land to just run and play…Brooklyn and Savannah love it!!

Iyla is about 6 months younger than Abigail, and she is so cute with her glasses :)

Abigail figured out how to climb up in her high chair seat all by herself this month!

On July 9th, we went to Chick-fil-a for Cow Appreciation Day. It has sort of become a tradition for us to go every year to get free food :)

The girls were looking so cute and festive!

We had to wait a few minutes for a table, but it was definitely worth it…

So excited!

Not a big eater, but happy to be along for the ride!

We went to the library on July 10th for a little while. Abigail sees how interested her big sisters are in playing computer games and wants to be just like them…ha!

I managed to drag them away from the computers long enough to go to storytime though :)

Dance party with Daddy!

We got the new chalkboard sign hung by the market in the playroom. So excited about how it turned out!

My favorite corner of the playroom :)

Brooklyn and Savannah spent the night with Cici on July 12th, and she took them to pick blueberries the next morning. The farm had lots of animals too. The girls had fun and came home with tons of fresh blueberries!

Matt and Maggie invited us over for supper on July 13th. The girls always enjoy playing with Korah. It was a fun evening!

I took the girls to the neighborhood playground on July 15th…

A great time was had by all until…

…it was time to leave. Savannah was on her bike up ahead of me, and started riding across the parking lot to the sidewalk down by the road. The parking lot slopes downhill, and I didn’t realize that she didn’t know how to use her pedals to stop! So she started picking up speed, heading across the parking lot and down to the sidewalk. I was running after her, but couldn’t get to her fast enough, and she went flying over the curb and crashed into the road. It was a total Mom fail moment. Thankfully, no cars were coming, and she was okay other than a few scrapes. I felt terrible!!

I love to see them reading their Bible together!

The girls learned about hopscotch from a TV show and wanted to make their own. I have no idea if I drew it correctly, but they had fun anyway!
Notes and Quotes from Early July:
- 7/1/19 – Abigail has FINALLY moved up to size 4 diapers (at almost 2 years old…haha). She could probably wear size 3 diapers for a little while longer, but we ran out, so I figured we’d just move on to size 4s.
- 7/1/19 – When Abigail throws a ball, she exclaims, “Whoa!!!”
- 7/7/19 – Savannah came to report while the kids were cleaning up in the playroom at Cici’s house after lunch: “One of Carter’s twins is throwing things at me!” Haha!
- 7/8/19 – Savannah: “Why does Daddy always wear his ‘flower pants’ when he gets in the water?” (talking about Travis’s swim suit that has a Hawaiian print on it…haha).
- 7/10/19 – Travis sat down at the dinner table tonight, and Abigail said, “Hi, Daddy!” I think that a first!
- 7/12/19 – Brooklyn has been such a helper this week! At least 3 days this week, she’s made all the girls’ sandwiches for lunch, and she even tore Abigail’s up into bites for her. Today, she and Savannah cleaned up after lunch, made my bed, dusted the playroom, and picked up toys and books all over the house. What in the world!
- 7/15/19 – Abigail loves to point at something and say “Dat! Dat! Dat!” (I think she is trying to say ‘that’, like she’s showing us something.)
Thanks for reading!
One reply on “First Half of July 2019”
So sweet. Love the memories.