Well, I’ve already taken 1 final out of 3, and Travis has taken 2 out of 4. We are so close to being through for the semester!! I’ve done a lot of things BESIDES studying this week, so it hasn’t really been that bad. Alisha and I have been running and working out almost every day recently (including a 4 MILE run on Sunday afternoon)! I can tell that I’m slowly getting back in shape!
Today I ate lunch at Cypress Inn with a big group of people from my mom’s extended family. We were celebrating my great aunt’s 90th birthday! You would never guess she is 90 years old from the way she looks though. She’s in great health! I need to figure out her secrets so I can start putting them into practice…haha :)
We had fun watching the SEC championship game this weekend. Nate came into town, and several of us watched the game at Mollie’s. I spent 4 or 5 hours on Friday baking cookies, brownies, and fudge to take with us! Needless to say, we still have fudge and cookies left over. And Travis isn’t helping me eat it…AAHH! Even though we lost, we’re still excited that the team did so good this season. We’ll find out tomorrow whether we get the chance to buy tickets to the Sugar Bowl, so we’re keeping our fingers crossed. Football, baking, running…anything to distract me from studying sounds really good right now!