Abigail Brooklyn Savannah Valentine's Day

February 2019

My goal is to get this blog caught up before the start of school in August. We’ll see if I can manage that ;) First, let’s backtrack all the way to February. I covered Brooklyn’s birthday festivities already, but here’s what we were up to during the rest of the month:

Savannah still enjoys building with Magna Tiles. They have definitely been a worthwhile investment…they are durable and fun for kids of all ages. I even enjoy playing with them! :)

Mrs. Patterson sent this heart home with instructions for us to send it back in decorated with reasons that we love Brooklyn. It was their way of celebrating Valentine’s Day at school. When I went up to the school a couple of weeks later, all of the decorated hearts were all hanging in the hallway outside the classroom :)

On February 1st, it was warm enough to play at the neighborhood playground with our walker friends. The girls always enjoy doing that right after school.

Sunday, February 3rd after Bible class ended

Abigail learned how to give hugs this month! It was the sweetest thing, and Brooklyn clearly enjoyed it :)

Abigail also got to see Rosie up close after lunch that day :)

Savannah sure does love her little sister!

Time to pick up Brooklyn from school (2/5/19)

I really enjoyed walking to school every afternoon, and I think Savannah and Abigail did too!

I think it’s safe to say that Abigail is a big fan of Oreos :)

On February 8th, I took Brooklyn to Kate and Olive’s birthday party. They are two of the friends that Brooklyn has made from our neighborhood who also walk home in the afternoons. They were turning 7 and had a party at their house. Since they live so close, we just walked over to their house that afternoon. Brooklyn had a great time!

The party was Mary Poppins themed, and the girls played games, made their own kites, and ate birthday cake…

At the end of the party, the girls played outside and flew their new kites. It was funny to see them all racing around the yard trying to get their kites to fly. Brooklyn “flew” hers all the way home after we left too!

Savannah always has one of her stuffed animals sitting at the table during breakfast. Before she eats a bite, she will pretend to feed it to her animal first. It’s so cute!

Wearing red to school for Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day 2019 :)

I walked into Brooklyn’s room that night and had to laugh. She had set all of her birthday cards up for display on top of her dresser…which is exactly what I do with the cards I get. I leave them up on my dresser for a few weeks to look at them. She’s never said anything about that before, but it’s obvious that she’s watching and noticing everything I do even if I don’t realize it. It’s scary and humbling for sure!

On February 16th, I took Brooklyn and Savannah to Gabriel’s birthday party at Artis Studio. We have some friends who have taken art lessons there, but we’d never been there ourselves before this party…

The kids all got to tie-dye a t-shirt to take home. This was my girls’ first time to do that, and they had a great time!

Savannah had her turn before Brooklyn did. She was content at first to just pick out the colors and let the lady helping her squirt them onto the shirt :)

So fun!

Eventually she decided to help squeeze the bottle too :)

Brooklyn jumped right in from the start and squeezed out the colors herself. Not surprising at all ;)

Her t-shirt was definitely more soaked than Savannah’s when we took them home :)

The girls enjoyed watching Gabriel open his gifts at the end of the party. We had a fun time!

Brooklyn had a loose tooth (2nd one!), and that night she decided that she wanted Daddy to pull it out. After a couple of tugs, she changed her mind and decided it could just come out on its own when it was ready ;)

Apparently I’m obsessed with Scottie dog dresses. I realized that all 3 girls had one in their current size, so I had them all coordinate on Sunday (2/17) for church :)

Love these three! In this picture, Abigail is definitely favoring Brooklyn. In the first picture she looks a little more like Savannah to me though!

Luckily Brooklyn didn’t have to wait very long on her loose tooth…it came that night during the  evening worship service (about 24 hours after Daddy tried to pull it)…haha. She handed it to Cici who was sitting beside her when it happened ;) Thankfully we managed to get it home and not lose it between the church building and our house. Brooklyn was so excited that she told just about EVERY person in the whole building as soon as the last “amen” was said :)

She was definitely excited to show off the spot where her tooth had been!

That night, she left a note for the tooth fairy under her pillow. It said: “Why do you not want no one to see you? Do you love me? How much money do you have?” HA! I heard that the tooth fairy had a tough time getting the note out from under her pillow to be able to write the answers down, but they managed to do it without waking her up. Hopefully the answers were satisfactory! :)

“Can you give your moose a hug?”

Watching a baby give hugs is the sweetest :)

Brooklyn was excited to try out her new umbrella after school on February 19th. So far, it has been a great umbrella…I love that it’s clear so Brooklyn can see through it while she’s walking. Very kid-friendly!

Rainy afternoons call for playtime upstairs. It’s been so nice to have a playroom that can be messy, but we don’t have to look at the mess all day because it’s not on the main level ;)

During the month of February, Savannah really enjoyed looking at our new Music Together song book. The new song books have illustrations on each page, and they are much nicer than the old version. Savannah carried that song book around with her all over the house looking at it, and she also took it in the car when we went places. This particular morning, she was looking at it while sitting in our closet. Abigail felt like she needed a book to look at too, so she grabbed a nearby folder to flip through ;)

Speaking of music class, Abigail really enjoyed the winter session! She loved shaking the instruments and helping clean up when they were finished.

On February 22nd, we had the Richardsons and Smiths over for supper. Alan and Katie have recently moved back to Huntsville, so it was great to see them for the first time in forever!

Some of the KSR ladies started up a Secret Sister program in February, and Brooklyn was all interested in who my secret sister was and what it meant to have a secret sister. She decided she wanted to be a secret sister to Victoria, one of her friends at school. She made her a card  and told me she was going to sneak it into Victoria’s locker at school when she wasn’t looking :)

It said: “I love you. I love the way you look. You shine.” Haha!

“Victoria” :)

Brooklyn also “secretly” put some flowers together for me with Cici’s help and snuck them into our van when I was in the church building. I think she really enjoys surprises…both giving and receiving!

I have to break up Oreos in small pieces for Abigail, or she’ll just stuff the whole thing in her mouth at once!

Paw and Rae Rae came up for a quick visit on February 26th. The girls enjoyed playing soccer with Rae Rae in the back yard!

Paw and Rae Rae brought up a new bike for Brooklyn that they’d bought (used, but in good shape). Savannah inherited Brooklyn’s old Dory bike, so Paw put the training wheels back on it for her.

It didn’t take her long at all to figure out how to ride it…

By the next day, she was doing loops around the back patio at full speed. She got the hang of it really fast!

Won’t be long before Abigail is big enough to ride it! ;)

February 28th – morning playtime in Abigail’s room (there’s Savannah looking at her song book again!)

Notes and Quotes from February: 

  • 2/4/19 – Monday morning after our weekend gospel meeting: Savannah says: “I’m tired” and took 2 hour nap at 9:15 AM! Legitimately fell asleep in her bed and everything!
  • 2/4/19 – Abigail is definitely starting to walk more than she scoots. I can tell a big difference this week in her confidence! She is walking more steps at a time and getting a little more steady and faster too. Her main issue is that she still feels like she has to “pull up” to her feet, so if she falls in the middle of the room, she will scoot over to a couch or wall to stand up again.
  • 2/6/19 – Abigail is giving hugs now when she ask her. She will wrap her arms around us and pat us on the back. She gets so excited when Daddy gets home from work and scoots/walks over to him for a hug right away.
  • 2/10/19 – Abigail’s last 12-month molar is coming in (bottom right). It’s funny to me that she will have all her molars and just 3 teeth on bottom that show when she smiles ;)
  • 2/14/19 – Conversation with Brooklyn and me:
    • Brooklyn: “Yesterday, I was riding my bike outside and singing really loud. That was the happiest I’ve ever been!”
    • Me: “I heard you singing! Were you happy because it was your birthday?”
    • Brooklyn: “No, I was happy because I was singing!”
  • 2/20/19 – Abigail’s iron levels were great at her appointment (18 month checkup). Hopefully we are done with iron drops for good!
  • 2/20/19 – Brooklyn: “Mrs. Patterson told us that if we go outside without a sweater or coat, we’ll get the ‘heeby jeebies’. I know what that is…it’s strep throat!”
  • 2/20/19 – As soon as Brooklyn leaves for school in the morning, Savannah goes into Brooklyn’s room and starts hunting through her stuff to see what she wants to play with that day. She usually “borrows” a few of Brooklyn’s stuffed animals and then returns them after school ;)
  • 2/22/19 – We were talking about what the girls wanted to do when they grew up:
    • Me: “Does anyone want to be a mommy when they grow up? It’s a pretty tough job.” (They both shook their heads no.)
    • Brooklyn: I want to be a scientist who owns a pet!
    • Savannah: Maybe Carter will be a mommy when he grows up!
  • 2/23/19 – Brooklyn (after going potty): “I just tinkled a WHOLE FOOT!”
    • Savannah: “Does she mean that she tinkled ON her foot???”
    • Brooklyn (rolling her eyes): “It’s an expression!”
  • 2/26/19 – Brooklyn had an appointment with an allergist to see whether or not she was truly allergic to Amoxicillin after what happened in early January. The appointment was at 9 AM, and we were there a full 3 hours. It was a long morning, but Brooklyn did great. It was a lot of sitting and waiting to check for a reaction after the different tests. They started with a few “scratches” on her skin and then moved onto intradermal injections (3 different spots). After no reaction, she then had to take 2 different doses of oral Amoxicillin. She made it through all the testing with no reaction, so the rash and itching she had must have been unrelated to the Amoxicillin she was on in January. I really liked the allergist we saw and thought he did a great job of explaining everything to us. He said that people can have hives one to two times in their lifetime that seem to pop up for no apparent reason. They can also be caused by a virus. Who knows what caused Brooklyn’s, but I’m thankful it wasn’t the medication since Amoxicillin is one of the most commonly used antibiotics in children. I was proud of how brave Brooklyn was! She only shed a few tears and was so patient during all the sitting and waiting that morning!

Thanks for reading!

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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