And, while I’m on a roll, here is my recap of the last few weeks’ activities that weren’t related to the 4th of July, family reunion, or kiddie carnival:
Soccer Shots Session #4 (June 27th) – this drill involved them “dribbling” the ball around and kicking it to knock over the cones!
Yay, B!
She is getting much better at dribbling/kicking the ball and not picking it up with her hands. She enjoys getting out there and playing, but usually asks “Are we done yet?” about halfway through! ;) We need to work on her stamina I guess…haha
Snack break for the hungry players!
And even the little ones need snacks :) The tray on the stroller has become the community snack holder…haha. Savannah does great in her stroller every week during soccer! It works out well for me because if I let her loose, she’d be walking everywhere, and I wouldn’t get to pay attention to Brooklyn playing.
That day after soccer, we couldn’t stay for story time (Savannah had an appt with Dr. Dudley), but we went to the library for a few minutes to check out some new books. We recently got a library card, and Brooklyn has been loving bringing home different books each week!
The next day, Mommy had a doctor’s appointment, and after that we headed to Hastings Park off Drake Avenue for a few minutes. It’s not close to our house, so we don’t go very often, but I love this little playground!
We were the only ones there for a while, and then another mom showed up with her kids—they were pretty much the same ages as Brooklyn and Savannah, so that was fun! Brooklyn thinks that all kids are automatically her friends, so she asked, “Can I go play with my friend?” She and the little boy who was her age played together for a while, and when it was time for them to leave, he asked me if we could come to the grocery store with them too…haha!
Savannah enjoyed climbing and taking a few steps at a time…
…but mostly she enjoyed playing in the dirt!
It was a fun morning! We were there before it got too hot outside, so that was nice too :)
That afternoon, we met Daddy at the Monaco to see Finding Dory! It was Brooklyn’s (and Savannah’s) first time to go to the movies, and it went great!
Brooklyn was mesmerized! She watched the whole thing and was quiet pretty much the whole movie. One time, she said “What’s that??” pretty loud, but other than that she didn’t really make a peep. She even kept shushing me when I laughed “too loud”. I think she took us seriously when we told her they would kick us out of the theater if we were making noise. She wasn’t heavy enough to hold down her own seat, so we had to put the backpack in there behind her. She ended up sitting in my lap for most of the movie after one part of the movie that was a little intense. I didn’t get a picture of Savannah, but she clapped and waved during the movie and was mostly quiet too. She never went to sleep like we thought she might. She ate lots of snacks though and enjoyed “flirting” with a cute little boy (probably a few months older than her) in the next seat over. Overall, it couldn’t have gone much better! Although next time, we’ll have to buy popcorn or else bring our own because Brooklyn was so upset after the movie when she saw the popcorn in the lobby and we didn’t buy any. She wasn’t throwing a fit, but she was genuinely upset and crying over it. It made me get tears in my eyes, and I’m not even a crier!
We ended the evening with supper at Chick-fil-a. Brooklyn didn’t eat much supper, but she enjoyed running around in the play place for a few minutes before we left. She was too scared to climb up to the top (which surprised me), but she watched several other kids go up. (*Spoiler alert–we’ve been back twice since then, and she climbed it last time!). It was a tiring but really fun day!
Speaking of, here’s our little climber–Miss Savannah!!
Bath time on Wednesday afternoon! We always do baths on Wednesdays before supper since it’s so late after we get home from Bible study that night.
On Thursday (June 30th), we went to story time at the library since we didn’t get to go on Monday after soccer. The theme that day was all about hats. At the end, Brooklyn got to make her own 4th of July hat. It was fun!
We ate lunch and played outside when we got home from the library. That patio umbrella is a lifesaver during the hot summer days!
Brooklyn enjoyed pressing the button to take selfies that day :)
I love this girl!
Family selfie :)
Savannah is not only our resident climbing expert, she has also gotten really interested in throwing balls lately. I got the cutest video of her walking around the living room throwing this purple ball, chasing it down, and throwing it again. It doesn’t get much cuter than when they first start walking and are taking those unsteady steps!
I love to see Savannah standing in front of the kitchen and playing! :)
Brooklyn asked if she could help me make the cookies we were taking to the family reunion. She is turning into a big helper in the kitchen and always wants to pull out to step stool to be my assistant–even if it’s just pouring a bowl of cereal or making a sandwich. This particular morning, she helped me mix up the cookie dough, and she even used the cookie dough scoop to plop them onto the cookie sheets. What a great assistant I have!
Soccer Shots Session #5 (July 11th) – dribbling down the field again!
This week, they learned how to do a “jump move”. I caught Brooklyn in mid-jump!
Savannah was looking so cute in her stroller that I had to get a picture!
Brooklyn never really participates in the scrimmage portion of the practice. She’d rather stare at the passing airplanes and look at the clouds :) There are a couple of bigger kids that usually score all the goals, so at least some of them are into it! :)
Tuesday, July 12th was Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-a. Of course, we never pass up a good freebie (especially free food!). Everyone who dressed up got a free entree :)
We got there around 6 PM, and it was super busy! As in the line was all the way to the door of the restaurant. So, we had to wait in line for a while just to order!
Thankfully, there was a big cow there to meet and greet the kids. Brooklyn was so excited!
Giving the Chick-fil-a cow a big hug!
After we finally ordered, the girls played in the play place for a few minutes while we waited on our food. Savannah is pretty close to being able to climb higher than this…she’s just not quite tall enough!
So proud of herself! The little stinker also wouldn’t leave her cow spots on…haha
There’s Daddy cow!
It was a fun evening (although next time, we might need to go for lunch when the crowd isn’t so big!).
Other Notables:
- I asked Savannah a few days to bring me a book, and she walked across the living room, got one out of the basket, and brought it to me! She is definitely starting to understand what we say a lot more.
- Now that Savannah is walking everywhere, she and Brooklyn like to play chase all over the house. They go from room to room “chasing” each other and squealing as loud as they can the whole time.
- After I tuck Brooklyn in for the night, she likes to find ways to stall and keep me from leaving the room. Examples: She needs more water. She needs “Brown” (her blanket) spread out a different way. She can’t find a certain stuffed animal or toy under her covers. But my favorite excuse of all: “Wait! I didn’t give you much hugs and much kisses!” Of course, I always turn back around for that one ;)
- One day last week, I noticed that Brooklyn was pulling her panties down in the back while she was standing in the kitchen. I asked her, “Do you need to go potty?”, and she said no. Then, I asked, “Why are you doing that then?” Her reply: “The booty is peeking out!”
- I can’t remember what I had said to Brooklyn later that same day, but her response cracked me up! She said, “Oh Mommy girl, it’s just one of those things!” She is certainly full of funny one-liners these days!
Hope you’re having a good week!