Well, this will be my last blog post before Brooklyn makes her debut! We had another appointment today with my doctor, and here’s what we found out: I’m about 1.5 cm dilated, and my cervix is soft. But, Brooklyn still hasn’t dropped yet…the little stinker! :) My doctor thinks I have a pretty narrow pelvis, so my best shot for a normal delivery (as opposed to a c-section) is sooner rather than later…before she gets too much bigger. Unfortunately that equals being induced which I’m not very excited about, but I guess I’ll take that over a c-section if we can avoid it.
The plan is that we’ll check into the hospital tomorrow evening, and hopefully Brooklyn will cooperate and be here by sometime on Wednesday. Eek! So, she won’t quite be a Valentine’s Day baby, but it’ll be close I guess. I’ve felt jittery ever since we left the doctor’s office, and I think it’s a combination of nervousness and excitement. I just hope I can sleep tonight because I probably won’t be sleeping much tomorrow night or any night after this for a while!
I guess it’s nice in a way to have a scheduled time to go in because I can go ahead and make sure the house is clean and the laundry is done, etc. That’s the planner in me! :) Doctor’s orders are to eat a big carb-filled meal before we check in tomorrow night, so we’re going to do just that. I’m thinking about an early Valentine’s Day supper at Olive Garden maybe :)

If you don’t mind, please pray for us to a have a safe delivery and a healthy baby. We’d really appreciate it! :)
Updates to follow…
4 replies on “Coming Soon!”
Erin & Travis — Saying prayers for you and Brooklyn!
Thanks you Mrs. Kim!! :)
Good luck, Erin!! I’ll be thinking about you! I’m so excited for you and your husband becoming a family of three. Best wishes the next few days.
Also, I’m not sure if you’re planning on breastfeeding, but if you are, and if the hospital offers lactation specialists to come in and assist you through a feeding or two, DO IT. That was the most helpful part of my hospital stay after giving birth. Good luck!!!
Thanks Joanna! It’s exciting and kind of nerve-wracking all at the same time! :) That’s good advice about the lactation specialists. I’ll definitely try to get their expert advice…esp since I’ll have no idea what I’m doing!! Hope you and your crew are doing well. Sally is such a doll!!