Alabama football emotions travel work

On the road again!

I think I have lived in my suitcase for the past month and a half. Correction: I KNOW I have lived in my suitcase for the past month and a half! That’s one reason why I haven’t updated in several weeks…it’s just been too crazy! Our Christmas break was lots of fun for the most […]

family friends travel vacation

Busy, busy busy!

Well, so much for the summer being slow-paced! Seems like we have something to do every night after work, and we’re traveling a lot of weekends too. It’s still better than being in school and having to study so much though! Week before last we went to Fripp Island with my family. We had a […]

school travel

Homework + Hospital + Housekeeping = My week at a glance!

Well, it’s been a good week so far! I had a test on Monday that went well, and yesterday was my 12 hour day at DCH on the pediatric unit. I got to take care of a 26 day old baby boy with pneumonia, and he was a cutie! He was pretty sick, but hopefully […]

Alabama football travel

Nearing the end of the semester…

I can’t wait until Travis gets home! He’s been gone since Monday night, but it feels like forever! He went to a Coldplay concert last night in Atlanta with Nate. They got to go backstage before the concert and watch the band warm up. I think they had a lot of fun, and he said […]

family travel


Well, I’m already falling behind on updating this thing… The last part of last week was fall break, and it came at a much needed time! I’m starting to get burnt out from all this studying. We went up to Huntsville last Wednesday afternoon and stayed until Saturday morning when we left for Six Flags. […]