Abigail Brooklyn family lake running Savannah spring

May Days

Here’s the recap of our month of May–everything other than our trip to the beach: Brooklyn and Savannah ate lunch outside on May 1st. They really enjoy doing that on days when the weather is nice, and I don’t mind having a quiet lunch inside occasionally either ;) That afternoon, the doorbell rang, and Brooklyn […]

Abigail Brooklyn family Savannah spring

April Recap

I am determined to get this blog caught up before Brooklyn starts school, so I have less than a month and counting. This post covers what we were up to for the month of April (excluding Savannah’s party and Easter). On April 2nd, the Loveless boys came over while Alisha went to a doctor’s appointment. […]

birthdays Brooklyn Savannah spring travel

Catching Up April and May

Other than Savannah turning one and having a birthday party, here’s what we’ve been up to since mid-April: Savannah enjoys being outside just like Brooklyn. She likes to swing and always wants to get down and play in the grass. She will crawl across the yard if I let her! :) Brooklyn loves to have […]

Brooklyn Easter Savannah spring

Most of March

Hooray for nice, warmer weather lately! We have been outside as much as possible over the past few weeks unless it’s been raining. Spending time outside = not being inside on the computer updating the blog. I can’t do everything as much as I’d like to be able to, so I’m having to let some […]

birthdays Brooklyn spring

Springtime Adventures

We have really been loving the beautiful weather this week! It makes me just want to stay outside all day long. Brooklyn and I went on several walks around the neighborhood this week. I think she enjoys being outside too, especially when she sees or hears a “doggie”! Just chillin’ Brooklyn has been sleeping pretty […]