Alabama football family school

We love the holidays!

Last week was great! We only had 2 days of class (well, I only had 1), and then we were able to go to Trussville for a few days to spend time with my family. Of course, the food was amazing. Anyone who hasn’t had my mom’s sweet potato casserole is REALLY missing out. She […]

Alabama football Christmas school

A weekend full of fun!

We had a lot of fun this past weekend! Here’s the recap: Friday: My clinical instructor let us leave the hospital early, so I was home by 12:30 instead of 2:30!! Yay! I also got to go down to the OR and watch a surgery (it was something called a pericardial window where they drain […]

Alabama football birthdays school

I’m getting old!

I’m officially 22 years old as of yesterday. I don’t feel any older….but that’s probably a good thing. Travis got me an iPod Nano for my birthday. I’ve taken it to the Rec twice already, and I love it! Now I just need an armband so I can wear it around easier. Alisha and Emily […]


AHH…nursing school!

It’s not really that bad. I do study a lot, but I think it will be worth it when I graduate and have no problem finding a job. (Knock on wood). I had to do a presentation today in my front of the girls in my clinical group and my instructor, Mrs. Johnson. This was […]