
Weeks 27-29

Can you tell I’m behind on blogging? It took a while to get this new blog set up, and I’m still tweaking it. Here we are, past week 29 of this pregnancy!!! It’s officially the 3rd trimester now!! Here are my latest weekly pictures… So far, I’m still feeling really great for the most part! […]

pregnancy thankful

Last blog post??

It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving 2012 is already here and gone. Before we know it, Christmas will be here and then New Years…and then Brooklyn not too long after that! Wow! We’ve had an exciting and fun week so far. Monday, we had a 4D ultrasound done before my regular appointment. I was so […]


Baby has a name!

Since I’ve been MIA for a while, I guess I need to do a 2-week catchup! Last Week This was a CRAZY week! I worked 40 hours, which I rarely do…thankfully. It made me appreciate what Travis does every week much more! Somehow I survived, but it left little time for blogging. I pretty much […]

Alabama football birthdays pregnancy

Latest Baby News + Mystery Plumbing Problems!?

Yesterday, we made it to 24 weeks along! I’m still feeling great; the only thing I’ve noticed lately is that I wake up a lot during the night. I guess it’s because I don’t like sleeping on my side, but sleeping on my stomach right now is definitely out! Jenn got me a Boppy full […]

Alabama football pregnancy running weddings

Time is flying by!

23 weeks We’re officially 23 weeks in at this point! Hooray! We had our last appointment on Friday of last week, and everything went well. My blood pressure was good, and I’d gained 4 pounds, which they said was right on track. I dread getting up on that scale every time, but I guess it […]