Just like that, we are the parents of a 2 month old! Pretty crazy! This month has been challenging, but I feel like we are starting to turn the corner on sleeping and nursing, and things are getting easier…
Brooklyn had her 2 month check-up this morning, and it proved what we already know: she is growing like a weed! She now weighs exactly 12 lbs (75th percentile), and she is 23 1/2 inches long (90th percentile). In only two months, she has gained 5 lbs and grown 3 1/2 inches. Wow!
Eating: Just in the past few days, she has starting nursing much better! I think the sage tea that I’ve been drinking really works! Much less choking and crying, which makes for a much happier Brooklyn and Mommy. Fingers crossed that this will continue :) She is eating about every 3 to 4 hours during the day. She has started to stretch out her feedings at night too. Just last night, she went 5 hours between feedings and then 4 hours after that. I slept for 4 1/2 hours straight for the first time in who knows how long…woo hoo!
Sleeping: She has been doing great sleeping in her crib lately! She still sleeps with us every once in a while, but that’s usually just when she’s feeling fussy. We can usually put her in the crib awake, and she’ll grunt and squirm for a few minutes before going off to sleep on her own. Some days she is much more awake than others, and I have no idea why. Other days she’ll sleep almost all day in between eating. So, she doesn’t nap on any kind of schedule yet, but we’ll get there eventually. She doesn’t seem like to sleep in her crib during the day, so she normally naps in my arms or in her swing.
As you can tell from these pictures, Brooklyn is a very serious baby. She started smiling a couple of weeks ago, but sometimes it’s hard to get that serious look off of her face. I tried and tried to get her to give me a good smile for these pictures, and the best I could do was a little half smile. Oh well!
She has also started cooing in the past few weeks. The best time to get her to “talk” is right after she’s eaten. Sometimes after she nurses, we’ll sit in the glider and talk back and forth. I just wish I knew what we were talking about!
Brooklyn is making great eye contact these days. She definitely knows who Mommy and Daddy are. She can also follow us with her eyes if we walk in front of her. I love the surprised expression she has when she notices us! We call it her “bug-eyed” look.
She has also started noticing things around the house. Several times, I’ve noticed her staring at the ceiling fan spinning. She will also smile and coo at the cat on her activity mat that lights up and plays music. It’s pretty fun to watch her discover new things!
Brooklyn is the most fussy in the afternoon and evenings, although some days she is pretty happy all day. You can tell she is about to start fussing when she starts waving her arms like she’s leading an orchestra!
When Brooklyn was born, most people said she looked just like me. I think that’s changing! She is really starting to look a lot more like Daddy, especially with some of her expressions.
I am loving all of the new fat rolls on her arms and legs. And that belly….so cute!!! She seems humongous compared to how she looked in her one month pictures. I can’t believe how fast she is growing.
It will be so fun to watch how she grows and changes in the next month. I’m crossing my fingers that she will sleep through the night soon and that nursing will continue to go well. With more sleep and easier nursing sessions, mommyhood will be much easier!!
We love you, Brooklyn Reese!
2 replies on “Brooklyn: 2 Months Old”
Oh man she is just the prettiest little baby I’ve ever seen! I can’t possibly visit her enough!
Come see us, Aunt Emily!!! :)